Originally Posted by Rowy
Surely this is the game, to be able to work out how to do it all.

I'm still on my first play through, 60 hours in and level 17.

I'm playing tactician. I wouldn't want to be playing on classic.


really enjoying tactician so far. I think too many people are trying to bulldoze through a wall heads first and get reckt...
especially from the comments I read >_>
I was having some great difficult but fair fights without cheesing or AI doing completely dumb shit or whatever seems to be the issue for some.

Ai always tries to take out my most vulnerable member.
Ai even sacrifices itself (e.g. when shackled of pain) in order to kill someone off.
AI focus fires mostly.
Ai has been smart enough not to blow cooldowns on a bone armor heart of steel fortify stacked dude sporting 6k Armor.

every single party member has the means to regularly recover armor in some way. Throughout the whole fight my armors get broken and pushed back up. Frequently life drops into critical regions. A death might occur too.

through this hardship and analysis I was able to build towards my weaknesses. I now accept and anticipate that one of my heros might die. So i gave my tankiest char living on the edge + last rites just for that very often inevitable situation. resurrection scrolls also become cheap later on. investing into morning person for a hero who likes to die might not be a bad idea either.

probably most peopel are to stuck with their damage stat hoping for quick kills.
4 points in finesse / str usually mean almost nothing roughly 10% less dmg - yet the same points in con and you're suddenly playing in a whole different league having up to 700 more vitality at your disposal.
1 or 2 points more into hydro or geo instead of warfare or scoundrel don't seem big. but it all adds up and 10 % more damage means nothing if you still need 2 rounds to kill something. but 10% more recovery can mean the world if it prolongs your fight even just for one more round.

I then also see post about how huntsmen is "probably the worset" combat ability. They have no idea. Huntsman together with scoundrel and warefare scale multiplicative with your base damage from attribute and weapon.
thus huntsman can turn your damage formula into a quadruple polynom.

I have to fight for High ground a lot of the time and That is great. It takes the whole team effort to stop the enemies from raping my ranger up on the roof. just he by himself uses cloak and dagger + tactical retreat+ wings+ teleport + nether swap. it really is a whole fight in itself but a fun and important aspect to jugle with.

the witch north of cloisterwood in the firefield. Is insane when you don't know what's going on. but your team needs good fire resistance in order to beat her. So what you do is you find all the fire gear you can make some fire resist potions and let the person who you stack fire resist on also stack leadership as high as he can.
one would be suprised how well that can go.

Leadership and perseverance in general are super important stats in my opinion. every new piece of higher level armor that doesn't have perseverance on it where it should I first have to calc through whether the increase will net out vs the loss of perseverance.

I don't think people are considering this at all.

the 50% boost in stats does exactly one thing. It literately wrecks an easy mode strategy - glass cannons or the idea that you can focus down an enemy each round and overpower your enemies. Which is a great thing cause suddenly the most straightforward and boring strategy became useless and you have to become inventive.