Joined: Sep 2017
As part of Lohses storyline you get teleported by Malady into the demon domain. When reaching the final "room" (when you see the thousands of candles), the dialog can be clicked through but no quest trigger is activated, you can click it a million times and nothing happens. The quest is just broken there.
Unfortunately this also means the only possible "choice" you can make right now is just teleport out.
Joined: Sep 2017
Yea im having the same problem, and i really don't want to continue my playthrough until it's fixed.
Joined: Sep 2017
Same problem here. When you make your decision whether to snuff out the candles or not at the end, nothing happens.
Joined: Sep 2017
[quote=Lalinla]Yea im having the same problem, and i really don't want to continue my playthrough until it's fixed. [/quote]
Yeah, same for me. I know in DOS1 you could open a console and set quest states, does anyone know if the same exists for DOS2 and how to do it for this quest?
edit: Maybe i'm, remembering wrong and this was for Baldurs Gate?
Last edited by PeterPan; 23/09/17 03:27 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
So i decided i'll look into what happens if you port out because of the bug, and it's pretty ridiculous. You basically have to do a very specific setup (you have to stand at a very specific spot and have to have specific skills) and basically disable the doctor every turn, because otherwise you'll just lose, no matter what. Also have to have atleast 30 initiative on said character, because otherwise your first turn is not before his.
There might also be some other stuff you don't get for cheesing his fight.
Joined: Sep 2017
Bumping this thread for some attention! (None of this is necessary to read, I'm merely drawing attention to a problem I share.)
I've got the same issue and I'm using Lohse as my avatar. Normally, because I'm a goody-little-two-shoes in my own mind, I take the naïve paladin route and scream to the heavens that I will not snuff the light of a life just because they're desperate and have no real sense of character. Well that's fine, I have a clear conscience and I go up to Doctor Sassypants and with all the confidence that I've yet to lose a boss fight challenge him to a 2 Lonewolf vs a horde of Buff Nurses, Distraction Demons, and HOLYGODWHATISHISARMOR himself. One may think that I immediately cried as I watched my Lizard Prince and fancy-haired princess suffer a good ol' fashion beatdown; but no, Lonewolf is amazing and there's little you can't solve with a 70 strength and a 70% crit chance, so an Apotheosis, an Onslaught(er), and an array of other various source skills later, some Distraction Demons are already dead, the nameless-lizard and Lohse both still have armor and I'm confident that I can defeat Amalamadingdong no problem. Oh. Until he possesses Lohse with no way to resist and Game Over. Sorry, you died, hope you enjoyed this edition of Dark Souls.
Okay. That was brilliant. Well played Larian, in order to defeat this aforementioned ABSURDLY POWERFUL DEMON you need to compromise your morals a bit, make some hard decisions and weaken him so Lohse can actually resist him gouging her soul to be his little bitch. Here I go, loading up an old save, I spend some time crafting, get myself a level twenty Eternal Armour, make my main-hand axe have a 200+ plus damage rating and mentally steel myself versus feeling awful about committing mass genocide on some very well-rendered NPCs. I talk to Malady, fast forward a bit and we're at the grandiose scene of candles that stretch into eternity. Let me say right now that I LOVE this game. Oh lordy it gets me good. Here I go; I click on Malady, she muses, I take the time to muse, we both support each other in doing the hard thing and even my oh-so-self-absorbed Lizard companion chimes in with a bit of "attagirl" and I finally choose the option to embrace my inner eugenicist. And nothing. That was weird, let's start the dialog again. It starts new, same choices, same musing, some pats on the back annnnnnnnd notta. Well shit. Bugs happen, sure, let's reload. Quick save go.
Same result. Some of a bitch. Let's restart the client! Sure, that has fixed most problems so far. Load in, some conversation, some mild support, annnnnnd still nothing. About sixty google searches later, some steam browsing, and I finally come here, find this thread and make an account for the sole purpose of writing this awful waste of time for anyone that chose to read it all so I can say: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUU-
Anyway. Using Lohse as your Avatar means you can't fight the big baddie (presumably) without snuffing the candles, but the bug prevents you from snuffing said candles; therefore, you're left in an infinite cycle of smashing your (my) head into a keyboard and dallying around doing other quests somewhat like what I do when I find things to distract myself instead of doing the dishes. And like my dishes, eventually my wife will start throwing things at me and I will inevitably be drawn to the kitchen only in Divinity I can't fill bowls with water before-hand to make the scrubbing easier and (hopefully) some-sort-of bacteria demon won't rear from the garbage disposal and suck my soul out and command me to do this shit daily. If someone does know a fix pleeeeeease send it my way, I'm rather obsessed with this game and would like to complete it soon. Otherwise, oh Larian, I await your bug-fix with great apprehension.
Joined: Sep 2017
Pandasaur, i agree, it sucks. But you can cheese the fight. You just have to have a char with more init then the doctor in human form and simply disable (stun/sleep/whatever) him until you kill him. You probably miss a lot of exp that way (the 4 demon adds don't spawn, i assume the candle quest gives exp also at the end) but atleast one can continue.
But all of it doesn't matter since the final quest is bugged anyway.
Joined: Sep 2017
Oh right. To add to my previous comment - I was playing as Lohse myself in case that has something to do with the problem. So she wasn't my companion but my main character.
Joined: Sep 2017
I would also like to support this thread.
I suffer from the same bug and I really hope that we could at least get an update whether this has been noted by the devs.
- Playing as Lohse (main avatar) - Both options refuse to let me progress
Please do address this bug.
Last edited by Acisum; 29/09/17 10:31 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
I am having the same issue as other people in this thread. Lohse is my Avatar and my party consists of Fane, Ifan and Red Prince.
I think it has something to do with the save files maybe. The first time I went into Adramalikh's realm I decided not to snuff out the millions of candles and the quest continued without any problems. I soon realized that fighting the Doctor is incredibly difficult and I was on the edge between snuffing and not snuffing the candles anyway.
I load up the save before snuffing the candles and the bug occurs. The quest does not let me proceed unless I decide to teleport out of the realm via Waypoints.
I've tried loading up save files before the entire encounter with Malady, but that doesn't solve the issue either. I've heard if you reload the entire Arx chapter from the start you would be able to proceed, but I haven't done that yet so I can't confirm whether that is a potential "fix" or not.
Joined: Sep 2017
Also have Lohse as my avatar character - just got to this quest and experiencing the exact same thing. Get to the room with thousands of candles, Malady says she will summon a flood if we give her the ok, the companions all give their opinion and then nothing. The flag(s) for this quest is broken in the most frustrating way; another oddity with it is that the quest log gives an update for ALL of my party members (Fane, RP, Sebille) for this part, when it seems like it should be Lohse specific (considering its part of her storyline)...so I feel like that has something to do with it.
Please check into this ASAP as I'd really rather not continue my playthrough without resolving this quest. I found Lohse's story to be very compelling and engaging, and I want to see it resolved!
Joined: Sep 2017
Created an account just to take part in this thread. Have the exact same problem, can't make Malady use her flood on the candles.
This makes me really sad. While all the character quests seem interesting, Lohse's seems the best one to me. Having an archdemon residing inside you like a parasite, and having to snuff out millions of souls to cleanse yourself is just epic. And sad, as Lohse otherwise is so easy-going with her jester-puns and bard background.
Adrammilik is also a really cool villain. The dwarves ominous saying "The Doctor is in" is really chilling.
Game-info: Playing co-op with my friend. Lohse is my main. Sebille is my companion. My friend has Red Prince as main, and Beast as companion.
Joined: Oct 2017
I'm having the same Issue and this needs to be fixed ASAP its Gamebreaking. First Post is nearly 2 weeks old...
I love this Game but its really sad how many Quests i couldnt complete cause they were bugged or Completion didnt work. I play a lot of Games and i havent played such a buggy Release in a long time. For me this is a Reason why this Game cant be my Game of the Year.
Really hope it get fixed soon :(
Last edited by Noughter; 01/10/17 11:12 PM.
Joined: Apr 2017
+1 Plz fix it................................................
Joined: Jul 2013
I want to chime in and say I'm having the same problem while Lohse is my avatar.
There is also another issue I found, where after killing Adrahmmalik in the most cheesy way I could, Lohse's song never triggers and if you use a repaired laslor's lute, the demon still makes you smash it after he is dead.
Hoping this gets fixed soon.
Joined: Oct 2017
My Lohse playthrough is ruined as well because of this bug. I'm unable to snuff out the candles or otherwise. PLEASE FIX THIS. I've tried reloading several previous saves but the bug persists. I won't continue playing until this is fixed.
Joined: Apr 2017
Joined: Sep 2017
Some acknowledgement would be greatly appreciated. This is a major story quest that is 100% broken, and should be hotfixed ASAP not wait to be bundled into a big patch.
Larry please!!
Joined: Oct 2017
I have run into this bug too, I cannot find a single workaround or anything. It's truly heartbreaking to have to stop playing a game I was enjoying so much due to a major story quest being completely broken in its current state.
Ironically from what I've read this bug only occurs when Lohse is your avatar, if she is just a member of the party the quest seems to work fine.
Joined: Sep 2017
I just ran through the Doctor encounter in a separate save file with 2 generics (custom avatar and merc)
when you talk to him, he first addresses you as Fane, and then he calls you Lohse twice. I'm willing to bet all of the flags/triggers around the Doctor are seriously messed up, and that's gotta be somehow influencing this quest, too.
A friend confirmed the same thing happened to him. His party was Fane, Ibn, Beast and Sebi