Originally Posted by Stabbey
"Lack of skills". You're really earning your arrogance points. There is absolutely nothing wrong, at all, with people who first like to play on Normal difficulty. You do not get to presume that they MUST be unskilled loser idiots because they don't just jump into the hardest difficulty for their first playthrough.

Comments like that are why you're getting a lot of flak.

Yeah: I don't play D:OS as a strategy game, I play it as an RPG. I don't particularly enjoy strategy and have no interest in developing that skill as it's a bit close to the sort of thinking I do in my day job. If people want to play it as a stats-laden strategy game then good luck to them but it has no sort of special correctness about it.

I guess it's a bit like me as someone who can do 3D modelling (okay, I'm not great at it but bear with me) saying that anybody who can't or won't just gets to wear rags in the game because anybody serious about it would learn to do 3D modelling and create their own armour to enjoy things properly, which I suspect would not be a very convincing argument. I hope.

Anyway, the different difficulty levels are there for a reason and it's not so much to do with the skill of the player and more to do with their preferred style of gameplay. As someone who likes RPGing, exploring and dialogue I'm not going to change the gameplay mode to one that pretty much demands I spend most of my time carefully strategising. But I think for someone not familiar with the game, some are certainly more accessible than others.

J'aime le fromage.