Originally Posted by Luckmann
Wait, are you confusing his use of "inflation" in relation to the stats with monetary inflation? He is no doubt referring to the way numbers just increase without any actual value, whether we're talking about health, damage, resistances or anything else.

Nope, I'm referring to the inflation of stats. They increase the value of the "money skills".

Originally Posted by Draba
Yep, inflation in the "why on earth does a lvl 18 weapon does ~90% more damage than a lvl 17 one" sense, nothing to do with prices.

It has a lot to do with prices wink

Originally Posted by Draba
It reminds me to D3 because:
- Both stat systems are VERY simplistic: pump mainstat for a straight multiplier on damage, maybe get some extra HP(and a constant tax for memory slots in OS2)

What's actually wrong with simple though? As I mentioned previously, your class levels give you stats as well. That in combination with attributes is plenty.

Originally Posted by Draba
- Both systems end up with way too many zeroes at the end of damage/HP, for no good reason

What is actually wrong with a few zeroes except if you have something against zeroes?

Originally Posted by Draba
This kind of system is a staple of grindy MMORPGs(for gating content) and primitive browser games(for low-effort content generation), feels out of place in a game like this.
Really subjective but for me it's usually an indicator of poor balance and certainly doesn't feel elegant.

They are absolutely gating content with the inflation. This is an incredibly novel thing in tactical RPG gameplay. In most RPGs I'm used to having ridiculous amounts of money where it is no object. This happened in DOSEE. Here in DOS2 you have to carefully plan how you're going to be spending your resources.

Except in DOS2 (and DOS generally) they have per encounter ethic with regard to combat encounter content generation. Each encounter is unique with unique terrain. That's how it was in tabletop RPGs and is something which wonderfully sets DOS apart. This is a far cry from a grindy game like Pillars of Eternity (which I also enjoyed ultimately). To say they have low effort content generation, IMO is an incredibly unfair assessment.