Originally Posted by Gaidax
I really disagree on Malady, I find her to be amazing fun really. I think the response "y so serious?" is in order here.

We don't even know who she REALLY is except for some small crumbs on her origin which barely give anything. I think it's am interesting and mysterious character with some hidden agenda and her powers only add to that mystery.

She's not omnipotent either, those hall of echoes jumps seem to take a whole lot out of her, not "effortlessly" for sure.

Other than that, lighten up, not everything has to be grimdark 100% serious and not every interaction should be done with stoic solemn expression of grim determination. There are more than enough tragedies small and big in this game already.

So yeah, when I asked her where is she going and she answered "shopping", it brought a chuckle there, not a feeling of rage of "muh immershun!". It's good to have these bits, it is fun.

As for the gods, well SPOILER we just go ahead and find out how truly godly they are. They aren't gods at all, just a bunch of power addicts playing at divinity. They are also considerably weakened by the time you fight them.

Not everything needs to be grimdark- in fact I enjoy a lot of the corny humor.

I don't enjoy Malady macguffining me in and out of the most powerful and discussed location in the Divinity lore whenever it happens to be convenient. The 'I am angel and demon' thing is almost adolescent in design choice- it's way too cheesy and overdone. I also don't appreciate her apparent 'badassery' but kind of fellates the main character at constant and delivering indirect praise. She's too confident that she can get the job done yet at the drop of a hat puts on a facade like she's about to do something that may not work. It ALWAYS works.

The game barely touches on the grim nature of competing for divinity and only barely scrapes the relationship between the seven and their indirect invitation of the Voidwoken.

My point being there's a lot of grandiose things being set up that fall flat due to the casual nature of just showing up and kicking asses. That's fine typically but I want to actually feel a little more hardship in a story where someone ascends to godhood- in a universe where most journeys to said status are riddled in war and conflicts of morality/ethics