Some spoilers
So far the furthest in the game I've gotten has been playing two player with my cousin Joten (we're both using lone wolf). We're both skeletons, he's being a sneaky thieving archer and I'm the persuasive warrior who tries to convince people that I didn't steal anything. Which fails and gets me thrown into jail sometimes. Jails not so bad, Joten can normally come get me out.
For fun any dialogue that seems in anyway kinky or flirtatious is getting clicked. I decided that my skeleton is just looking for love. Which has turned out hilarious so far:
1. Dorotya, that witch in the cave just totally seemed to be coming on to me. The whole time I was like "Joten, leave the cave. I'm going to need some alone time with this lady." My skeleton was totally seduced, when she pulledme in for that kiss I was like "here we go!" Then she started spitting bugs down my mouth. There was an option to pull away, but I was like "I better not, this is probably what she's into. I better go with it." Then she attacked me and it broke my skeleton heart.
2. Fane, was on the lower deck of the ship after leaving the first island. We were just making small talk then Fane asked "Is this some kind of mating ritual?" My love sick skeleton thought to himself "hmmm, maybe I'm just a skeleton dude that's into skeleton dudes. Joten go steal from people up on the top deck for a while! Fane and I need to bone." Then Fane told me he felt nothing and I walked away rejected and sad. Then I felt better when Joten stole a bunch of skill books for me.
3. Dorotya, was just hanging out smoking druaane(sp) with me then she starts flirting with me and has me follow her to make out. I follow her to a dark corner while Joten goes on his robbing spree. Then she tells me "Oh, you need some skin on your bones for me to kiss. So I yell "I can change baby!" and run to go get the late Fane's mask. I get some flesh on my skull and she's ready for start fooling around. Then she turns into a giant spider... I shrug and lean in for that kiss. She bites me in the face. So far that was the best experience.
Last edited by fat_cyborg; 28/09/17 01:21 PM.