Originally Posted by Ellezard
The plot is really weak so don't think much about that. It's actually just a straight line "Race for power" and the villains never get really any time to develop outside "They want power too and always beat you to it because they are better." Dallis is really a total BS with everything slapped on her to make her feel impactful but all she does is angrily scream every time she's on your screen.

Pretty much. Like, in the Arena of One, like I get she followed Lady Vengeance, but then she and her whole crew just teleported on that one little platform that isn't connected into anything.

Basically, they throw the villain at you to just progress plot, when you have someone doing something, you have to show how or explain or something. But that is not the case, she is just there bc the plot demands it. I find this problem in a lot of games and movies and it just annoys me. Like how did she get there? Where did she go? Really? And the end reveal of being eternal was just...ugh. Like then she ended up being a dragonknight too? Like is there anything else you don't wanna slap on her? Very lazy.

Also the Braccus Rex reveal pissed me off, like again? I get he was the vile sourcerer etc etc, but really, again? You couldn't start building up another big evil sourcerer (that wasn't some mustache twirling villain to begin with) and then make that the reveal. Like we just went through the Braccus thing last game, why again? If he's here, where is the weaver of time and Astarte, considering she's like what, the mother of all source? Really bad writing near the end of Act 2 to Act 3.

Originally Posted by HUcast
I'm not a fan of Malady, not only does she also possess the "incredibly smug, smarmy, with just a touch of mean" personality that like 70% of the npcs in the game have for some reason, she comes out of nowhere, treats you like dirt, and the game gives you no option but to follow along. It's my story isn't it? I get why you need to follow her with how progression is set up, but I think that's lazy. Its more satisfying to give each character their own individual reasons to progress, so they feel like they're motivated by their own desires. Instead they went with "You need to follow this half demon elf mega sourcerer because you suck and it's the only way to get better." That is not the theme I expected or wanted for my character that was supposed to be godkin, inheritor to the divine. I would go as far to say it felt like a slap in the face after what the events prior built up. Overall it just feels like a cop out for progressing the story that could be handled much better, and the smarmy smug personality really just puts into the 13 year old writing category.

Kinda how I feel. Like yeah, at first you are forced to bc she's the only way off the island, but as the game goes on, why can't I just tell her to fuck herself? Like she just goes on and on, and after how she treats you, she also expects you to help her out. Like why didn't I get a chance to turn on her, why couldn't I tell her to stick it where the sun don't shine? It just puts Malady up on a pedestal, where there are countless other NPC's who pretty much...act the same. Thinking their are big shots and everyone should follow em and etc etc.