Joined: Sep 2017
Fwiw, I've attempted half a dozen emails now, Twitter, Facebook, every outlet I could find never got a response. Not everyone got lucky with their attempts.
Joined: Sep 2015
TechnoMagi2, out of curiosity... what was the date of the first email you sent about this to Larian support about this, and what email address did you use? supportdos2@larian.com ?
Joined: Sep 2017
Well, fuck all that I said. Happyshops didn't put my full address on my package, so it couldn't legally be delivered. They forgot to put the state on my address from what I understand.
Larian, please never use them again. USPS is telling me they have to return it to sender. I'm beyond angry.
Joined: Sep 2017
Just got email from Larian that all my items should be shipped by Monday the 2nd of October at the very latest. Didn't have to contact them either. Thank you for taking care of the issues Larian 
Joined: Sep 2017
Well, fuck all that I said. Happyshops didn't put my full address on my package, so it couldn't legally be delivered. They forgot to put the state on my address from what I understand. Turns out the exact same thing happened to my package! Name, street and town were written on it but NOT the actual number of my house. At first I thought that GLS was trying to bamboozle me (they kinda did and I had to call them) but if you had the same problem, maybe it's happyshop that's to blame.
Sauce Hunter
Joined: Sep 2017
Lucky you, im still waiting to be anwsered by the mail with my issue and without knowing what happened with mine.
And i sent the mail to: supportdos2@larian.com on 25/09/2017
Joined: Sep 2017
Well, fuck all that I said. Happyshops didn't put my full address on my package, so it couldn't legally be delivered. They forgot to put the state on my address from what I understand.
Larian, please never use them again. USPS is telling me they have to return it to sender. I'm beyond angry. I tell you what, the people at my local USPS are the salt of the earth. The lady delivering my CE understood and said she was going to deliver it anyway. I love those people. So I'll be getting it today 😊
Joined: Mar 2015
Finally, after 10 days in the mail, my CE arrived ... or would have if somebody had been home to answer the door. So if I'm lucky I'll manage to pick it up after work tomorrow, or at latest on Saturday morning. Looking forward to the books! The game itself will have to wait a bit. Won't hurt to have the first couple of patches, and with some luck the remaining issues when running under wine will be ironed out by then as well.
Joined: Sep 2017
Waited a few updates for my last update. It made it to Canada and as such it's now in the hands of custom again nothing Larian can do about that.
However it's still 15 days or more before it'll get here.
Sure love not playing this game I payed $240 bucks!
Joined: Sep 2017
I'm going on day four since I last heard from the support tech who e-mailed me. Gave him a full accounting of what I discovered in my previous post regarding the Dutch Post. At this stage, if there isn't a status update by tomorrow, or a message from Larian Support, I'm just going to issue a Paypal dispute for a lost package and wait until the game goes on sale in 3-6 months.
Beyond angry at this point over the absolute lack of communication and follow-up.
Joined: Sep 2017
Centaur, I've used several email addresses. Larian is largely just ignoring the problem and hoping it'll go away. The kicker is knowing they read their own forums but completely blow us off anyway.
Joined: Apr 2013
My collectors edition finally got out of canadian customs but with a 75$ custom fee. The value on the shipping papers must have been pretty high by the company that handled shipping. I'll get the box tomorow so I'll find out i guess.
Joined: Sep 2017
Waiting in Montreal for my Kickstarter CE and still not even an email. Not one, from anyone. Is there anything I can do to figure out what's wrong at this point?
Joined: Apr 2013
Hmm, I would guess you should have at least received an email by now for the notification. Im about half an hour north of Montreal and the kickstarter CE box just arrived. Couldn't get it today due to the 75$ customs fee, for some reason they didn't even try to deliver it due to that and decided to have it sent to a pick up depot.
But if I got it, I assume you should at least have the email unless some info on your part was lacking for shipment or if there has been a mistake from Happyshops, so might want to check your spam filters (Thats where my tracking email was sent) and if its not there contact support I guess?
Joined: Sep 2017
Thanks Galaad. I don't mind waiting, but I also expected at least some kind of email regarding a shipment. Sadly, I already checked my spam folder AND contacted support (also with no response), so I'm running out of ideas. I'm glad you're about to receive yours, though, hope it arrives in good shape 
Last edited by Wizd3m; 28/09/17 11:49 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
My CE finally arrived today morning. It was well packed a undamaged inside. I'm happy.
Joined: Sep 2017
An album showing the state of my package on arrival Divinity: Original Sin 2 Collector's Edition and hoodie https://imgur.com/gallery/Ero5l
Joined: Sep 2017
Mine has arrived!
just wanted to come by and share this.
Received complete CE with working steam key and the content is very well done.
I received it with no warning from DHL (in their website it still says is in transit)
So at least for me... ignore what DHL website says.
I'm in Portugal (2 hour flight from Germany) and just got it, those who are farther away like US or other places i believe will start receiving them next week.
Good luck all
Joined: Sep 2017
Customs charge? That sucks, Galaad. Must be a Quebec thing, I live in Ontario and didn't have any charges.
Finally got mine today, and it was definitely worth the wait. The outer package wasn't in the best shape, but the CE box itself was in perfect condition. The hoodie is much higher quality than I was expecting and the art books are fantastic.
To everyone who's still waiting for theirs, good luck and I hope your mood changes as much as mine did when I opened it. :hahaha:
Joined: Apr 2013
Nah, Customs are a federal thing and the customs they passed through was in Ontario anyway according to the tracking info and bill on the box.Deliveries usually get randomly picked and inspected. But it's the first time I've actually had charges for that I guess.
Tried to talk with Canada Post but they wouldn't give me any info since I wasn't the sender, tried talking with DHL but only the german DHL was aware of anything and didn't speak english and from what I understood they directed me to the shipper... Happyshops.
Happyshops listed a phone number in the email they sent but that didn't work. Tried emailing but didn't get any reply. So I went to their website and uh..figured kontact meant contact and called the number there but it was an automated message that hung up by itself.
So I just paid the bill. The quality of the figure is really nice, the hoodie looks great as well. Although it is a bit short, ordered the XL one and its barely fitting in term of length. (I'm 6'2" / 188cm). Thought I'd be getting a mug and some signed concept art but I guess that didn't happen somehow?