The fact of the matter is that the system requieres changes, it is poorly designed and there are many reasons on why is this, many people have said it in many posts, it is not up for debate.

The only thing i now want to know is if the developers acknowledge this or they will be oblivious to critique?, if they will just ignore and behave like typical mainstream developers and just listen to fanboys praize.

I am seriously not having fun with the game and the thing is i can't refund it because i already clocked more than 2 hours long time ago, the armor problem doesn't really become evident until you have really more than 2 hours playing and you think: "well, maybe it will get better in Act 2", well it doesn't.

It is truly pathetic that the only game strategy that works now is go full damage and only one type of damage either physical or magical but not both or you will gimp your party and then don't engage in battle normaly but rather cheese the AI somehow to prevent all the enemies gang bang on your party and obliterate you, BECAUSE you can't CC you can't control the battlefield anymore so you are really stupid if you try to engage in a battle without cheesing it, the method that always works is to provoke the battle with 1 character and then run away as far as you can were your other team mates wait for the enemy to come 1 by one or the least amount possible so you can kill them withouth them grouping on you and kick your ass.


There is no "tactics" that is a lie, combat just became a 1 trick pony, there is not thinking anymore you just spam damaging abilities and stack damage to get rid of the 3 health bars ASAP.

I want a developer to say to me if they acknowledge this and they will do something about it or they will not.

I don't want to use mods since they disable achievements but i am seriously considering it now because i am not having fun with the game, it is not an enjoyable experience it is tedious and frustrating, i am tired of it and if i could refund i would do it.

Realize that i could just have pirated your game but i decided to support your company because i trusted you since the first game was really an amazing game, but this is a complete disappointment and i am gonna be honest with you, if you choose to not listen to critique like most developers and just take the fanboys into consideration this will be the last time i spend money on a game you make and i mean it.

Last edited by Zherot; 30/09/17 06:48 PM.