Originally Posted by Stabbey
They didn't really comment much on it throughout EA. Why would you expect them to comment now? However, while I understand your argument, you're being a bit too aggressive in my view.

I went against my first instinct and built a 2 Physical/2 Magic team, and I'm reaching the point where when one of my mages' turns comes up, I freeze up because I genuinely can't think of anything productive to do, even with a lot of skills on my skillbar sitting there unused.

Level 9/10 enemies have 300+ magic armor (and I've seen it as high as a ridiculous 800 on level 11 enemies), and I don't know what my mages can contribute to a fight other than buffing my physical attackers.

Yeah they over nerfed mages they are just terrible now.

About the other stuff, it is me just stating how things are, i will stop supporting them if they don't listen.

Last edited by Zherot; 30/09/17 07:21 PM.