Yes, BG3 is way overhyped. In the things that matter most for an RPG, story, writing, mechanics, BG3 is at best average and often times below that.

The only things that it really has is graphics, simping and the name it is in no way worthy off.

Also, testing sites rarely really try to test objectively. Because when they rate something against the hype they will be attacked by fanboys as you could see with Eurogamer. So when there is hype they just slap on a big number and move on. That also helps to get more advertisment from the publishers.
That Larian withold test samples until the last minute so that it was impossible to test correctly made this the only option anyway.
Quite scummy from Larian, really.

Now we sadly have a through and through average game with lots of bad mechanics and a focus on simping to be held up as a master piece instead of being correctly identified as a average 8/10 game. Basically Twilight was being crowned the best movie ever....

Last edited by Ixal; 24/09/23 03:01 AM.