Starfield is exactly what I thought it would be -- Fallout 4 in space. I am NOT the target audience.

However, watching some of Oxhorn's videos, it's by worlds better than I thought. It very much kept the strengths of Fallout 4. At least some NPCs are actually decently animated, if perhaps only for Bethesda standards. I came in expecting nothing, and I saw they made decent improvements (if we consider Fallout 4 the base template).

Unfortunately for them, no man's sky was seemingly under development ever since it flopped? I had honestly no idea about that, but it was. It's also multiplayer compatible, which I believe Starfield isn't. It's quite possible that no man's sky, in all its quirkiness, is the better game. Bg3 can only be compared to to its predecessors, who, without the lense of nostalgia aren't actually... all that exceptional in every aspect.

It's quite possible Bg3 will get the win to send a message. But... I also don't think it deserves it. It's not a true 9/10 game, not in its current state. I don't care if it beats Starfield or not. They're both unworthy games as far as I am concerned.