Warfare gives the most physical damage, no beating that because Warfare is a unique multiplier. You should always have it maxed because it adds 5% to your final weapon damage after both Stat and weapon talent are already added in.

So if you have 40 str and 10 weapon talent, treat it like 50 str.
and with +50% from warfare, that +200% damage gets another *1.5 on top of it so that 300% base damage now becomes 450%, not 350%.

And with high weapon damage, everything else deals more damage as well.

Highground bonus is added to crit multiplier. Let's say you have 50% crit damage. If you crit with +50% high ground, it becomes +100% damage, not *1.5 crit * 1.5 highground for a total of +125% damage. The good thing about it is that highground and crit are applied AFTER weapon damage so even at low level, it already adds as much damage as getting str/fin/int or weapon talent and as you have high base damage, the crit/highground becomes even stronger.

So to make it easier to see

Let's say you have 20 Fin, +50% damage with maxed Warfare, +50% physical damage. You choose between Polymorph, huntsman Or ranged. You base damage is 100. Your highground bonus is 20% (no huntsman)

If you get Poly-Fin or Ranged, you now deal +55% base damage (21 fin or 20 fin + 1 ranged) and your damage becomes 155. With warfare, it becomes 232.5. From highground, that becomes 232.5 * 1.2 = 279 damage per highground shot.

But let's say you put that point into huntsman.

You deal 150 damage. With warfare, it becomes 225. From highground, it becomes 225 * 1.25 = 281.25 damage.

You already deal 2 more damage from getting huntsman at an early level. Imagine how much more you get per point from huntsman instead of poly/ranged when you're dealing 1000 a hit especially with how easy it is to pump that Fin compared to Huntsman, making Stat-based bonus and weapon talent extremely easy to hit the diminishing return point with.

Last edited by Ellezard; 02/10/17 12:14 AM.