Originally Posted by Kalrakh
The first game had dodge as well and also block. Block does not exist anymore, because shields only offer now 'armor'.

Also saying, that only those, who have complains will go into the forums is wrong. It is well known, that most people avoid to have to complain. In a hotel you expect about one from ten unsatisfied guests to ever really mention their complain, most people keep those for themselves, because complaining is to bothersome and time consuming or because they are to hesistant to produce an uproar.

It's different when it comes to gaming. Real life complaining takes time for things to get sorted and some even take money. Game reviews/feedback let them vent the steam and continue venting it for absolutely no cost.

If anything, the hard part is getting people that enjoy the game to voice their opinions in public. There's a reason why game industry will say that "Majority of the positive reviews are bought" because unless you give them reward for doing it, they won't do it. They are having fun anyway and see no reason to take their time to ask for changes. This is presented in nearly every game marketing seminar I have been to as part of my study.

Last edited by Ellezard; 02/10/17 12:34 AM.