Yeah me too. Been having the issue where I can't load a savegame from within the game (made the last few days playing a real pain), since perhaps level 10-11 Reapers coast. But I managed by alt-F4ing out as a workaround.
However, finally ready to move on from Reapers coast, and the game crashes to desktop every time I try to leave. It happens at the cutscene as Andylonium describes. His theory about cleaning up session matches my experience.
The game is absolutely epic... However, I really don't have the willpower to spend hours throwing away gear, reloading the game, to try and find out if it's an item causing it. And starting over is out of the question. There's not a snowflakes chance in hell I'm spending that many hours doing things over.
To be honest this gives me mixed feelings about the game. I have been amazed at how few bugs I've come across, then all of a sudden, there's a huge gamebreaking bug. How did this survive early access?!