RNG items have ruined RPGs, imo.

It works in games like Diablo, which are loot-based dungeon crawlers. It works in games like Borderlands which are loot-based grinders. But in narrative RPGs which should have depth to the characters.... randomized items need to be thrown out.

It's lazy design at this point as well as not adding any real value to the game. I understand why devs still use them, because they've become such large staples of the industry... but it allows these problems you listed to occur way too easily. Power creep in particular.

Another point I'd like to add is that items in modern RPGs don't add value: most items add X-Y primary stat (damage/armor), +X whatever skill/stat... which just bloats stats and leads to the ''hang on to 3 of these items so I can equip them when I barter but then I need to remember to unequip them RIGHT AFTER so I have my combat gear...''

It's just weird and annoying tedium. I'd rather see gear add more interesting elements than ''+X skill''.

White gear -> just basic equipment.
Green -> adds some combat-related boon (+X health, +.5m move)
Whatever/blue -> adds an interesting effect (10% damage reflection, 50% chance to stun attacker, whatever)
Legendary -> adds effect that changes how you approach combat slightly or moderately. Like add freeze effects to skills, emit heat aura that prevents you from freezing and melts ice within 1m around you.

Something MORE than ''+X skill''.