Please find a list of current toolset and game engine limitations, compiled with the invaluable help of Noctro.

Larian, would you please consider addressing at least some of them?

To users: feel free to post your own limitations, we will add them to the list.

1)You can't create Npc's from scratch, just based on a template (civilian/class) that on purpose locks out hairstyles and clothing options
2)Clothing textures have alpha channels, that's amazing, and they let pass certain RGB values to create color, but instead of letting you pick (like in any other game with textures with alpha channel) from the typical 16.6 million color picker you have 15-20 PREDEFINED COLOR , for no reason, it adds nothing, it serves no purpose but to limit the options, also Instead of giving you a regular wizard in the editor, (or where it should be, in the GM Mode) to create, place and control NPCs we have the choice of in the GM Mode to create a copy of one, the system is uncomfortable for no reason.
3)Live editing. Even if you create a scene based on a copy of a map, you can't see it in the game because it has to be part of a pre-published and installed mod, the game should just look at the "scenes" folder and let you pick whatever levels you had in there, but nope. The communication between editor and Game is...bad.
4)You can't create new races, monsters or so, it's 2017 for god's sake, we can't use FBX it seems, so I can't do monsters nor animations...nothing more complex and movable than a trunk. Also races are hardcoded and you can't add new ones
5)Editing Skills, creating new ones, or creating new classes to adapt (and i meean loosely adapt, not completely translate) the D&D system to divinity should be possible. But editing skills7classes is absurdly difficult for no plausible reason.
6)There's no Alive/Death condition for NPC's to place in the editor
7)Stability issues, glasses.ese crashes frequently when opening a level or a project
8)The engine has a SERIOUS lack of Wizards. We need automated tools for things that shouldn't be complicated, create an npc, a dialog, a skill, etc needs to be able to be done quickly
9)Races are Hardcoded in an object (unchangeable) instead of a variable (editable), which makes that we can't change or add races. And it's a terrible way to do things, hardcoding makes that you can't change things in further builds.
10)No native FBX support
11)We need to be able to paint fog of war, also, a button on editor and ingame to "see what players see", GM has no fog of war so we don't really know how a level would really look.
12)No item/Object editor? Again, we need a wizard for that, not create a copy and tweak it. That's slow, uneffcient, and clunky.
13)You can't add stats or skills to players.
14)You can't edit an ongoing campaign reason. Does that mean we have to make all the maps beforehand? Does that mean also that a new player can't create his character and play with the others if the players are weeks deep on a campaign and are long past de starting/creation point?
15)Fog/Map limit: For avoiding seeing the border of the map you have to create a HUGE map and make the playable area too tiny. Background at the edge of the map should be black to avoid breaking the illusion.
16)No wizards for creating stuff, that's a main issue, you should be able to create things easily if the wizard could do the scripting for you (like it should), ej: create an ability, check it's effects, attach an FX to it. Or create a new class.

1)Menus are in SWF.....WTF (uneditable, unchangeable, etc...)
2)A new player can't play when he join an ongoing custom campaign if it already started and the rest of the players moved from the starting point/map/level, there's no PC creation, that means you can't create a new character if yours get killed. Also the GM can't help you do reroll since he can't change your race
4)You can't change the color of the surface painted effects, they change the color when they change the properties, but again, no color picker, no properties chooser.
5)You can add vignette images easily, but you can't import music nor sound effects, also, theres NO LOOP BUTTON. In addition, STOP/PLAY buttons work a weird. When you play a song you can't stop it right away, losing control ot the atmosphere if you missclick.
6)I Understand that the main campaign is made for 4 heroes, but pushing that limitation through players' throat in custom campaigns makes no sense
7)When you play between Steam and GoG you choose direct connect, it gives you a connection ID, that you give to your friend, a normal human would press ctrl+c and ctrl+v to paste it on place but someone actively disabled cntrl+v and programmed a button to paste from clipboard Yes, it sounds stupid and minor, but it says a lot of the weird design philosophy they have at Larian.
8)Different players can't be in two different areas (scenes)
9)Item creator is vague, you can't see how is the object you make in game until you make an NPC equip it (no preview). Also you have to create it from a copy of a previous object instead of picking the model and create it from scratch
10)No ingame Wizards for creating NPCs, encounters, improvised dialogs, etc.
11)If you create an NPC in the game master mode, you can't set emotes, patrol waypoints, or make him sitting on a chair
12)Unable to control several npcs at once
13)Unable to control encounter difficulty in an easy way.

Last edited by Larian_KVN; 05/10/17 12:42 PM. Reason: Re-added the GM/Menu/Game concerns to avoid confusio nas to where my answers come from.