Thanks Kevin, It's been months since the Early Access started and You adressed most of my fears. I appreciate the time, the effort and the patience made point by point.
However, I feel the GM Issues should be addressed with the editor, since both tools work in conjunction for creating a story, that's why we tried to gather everything in one list.
About wizards: I think we (all) understand that the Divinity Engine is the tool you guys used on make the game. But most (and I think I speak for the silent majority of us) that are not familiar with scripting/programming(high-level modding feel that we lack of tools to make simple things. Both in the editor, and in the GM Mode. For putting it simple: Some of the pipelines to do some stuff are too complicated if you plan to do a long campaign and it would work much easier if they would be drivern by wizards for the medium guys that just wanna roleplay.
About Effects: Yes, fire is red, water is blue, maybe it wasn't explained very well, let me put an example:
-The players enter a dark crypt of the Big Bad Lich after forcing the entrance, inside the room the air has a cloud of a weird brown dust, too thick to be placed there naturally. In the campaign, the GM has written that this cloud of dust is poisonous, but instead of making hp damage, it makes the character sick and lowers their staming and strength on 1 for the next 24h /until an antidote is found.
In the GM mode, the GM could of course enter the player's stats and tweaking them, or apply a condition to them. But that cloud would always be the conspicous green poison cloud, or the regular smoke, when it would be super helpful to Create new>Surface/Cloud (pick cloud)>Select Color>Brown>and place it, and if you could also select it's effects would be super nice.
Another example: - After the party fights down a couple of levels they reach the Big Bad Lich Inner sanctum, and he appears in a burst of green vile flames...but...we don't have that, we have sacred blue fire that heals, but we can't make a (again, for example) a green fire that makes extra damage and heals the mischievous undead (or something). We're not talking about changing it's physical behavious (liquids can be electrified, gases are flammable) but it's appearances and properties.
Last edited by Noctro; 05/10/17 01:03 AM.