Originally Posted by AngryBB

Stumbled across this thread and was fascinated with amount of time you've put into researching this topic. I am playing COOP with my friend and we are having a hard time with the campaign. Would you kindly give some feedback and tips (Submitted to this topic because My character is summoner if I've done something wrong feel free to throw rocks at me).

Our party consists of Summoner Sebille (me Spec into INT), Ranger Ifan (My friend), Drain Tank dual wielder Fane and Enchantress Loyse. Currently we just captured "Lady Vengeance" and are LvL 8 characters. My summoner has 11 in summoning and several points in other schools due to equipment. Currently I am using Fane and Incarnate (Power+Farsight+Blood) as our frontline but those 2 still have trouble chewing through enemy Phys Armor while rest of our team struggles with mage armor.

Only way we are able to cheese hard opponents is to Strip them from phys armor in one turn and then keep chaining knockdowns on them. However when encountered a 800 armor enemy (Khm Khm lvl 13 Dallis) we got absolutely wrecked.

Now that the exposition is set Is there a good way for a summoner to "Soften" (Shred armor and apply some kind of "Vulnurability") enemies or are we doing something incredibly wrong? Because not only with this encounter but in general we really struggle with enemy armor.

Thank you in advance.

Fight enemies on your level. All problems solved. The game is very fair in this. If there seams to be some unfairness, you are probably doing something wrong. In the special fight mentioned your are not meant to fight Dallis. Or Vredeman. Simply ignore them. And keep Malady alive.

Why would you fight a lvl 13 mob with lvl 9? Even if you are such a good player that you succeed, you did everything to bore yourself in the game later. What will you do when lvl 13? Fighting lvl 9 mobs? It is terrible in this game to be above mob level.

To your group: if dual wielding fane and the incarnate struggle against physical armor, what is your ranger doing? Fighting magical armor? Bad idea in my opinion. If you have a mixed group, there should be enough damage against each armor. A ranger can act against magical armor but not as good as against physical armor. Only the summoner is really good against both armors.