Originally Posted by Linio
Originally Posted by devdev463

And if this still isn't enough to convince you then I would also like to point to the 94% steam user reviews as well to show that the majority are in fact very satisfied with this game.

I know I'm a little late to the party, and although I'm all for bashing the armor system, although I must admit devedev463 has a point there.

I was wondering : all the people complaining here and there, did you put a thumbs down on Steam or not? Not saying you should do it, I was just wondering... Because, yeah, I never saw one review about this on the Steam pages although, it seems both fair and important for potential buyers to have that type of information. If you're unhappy with the game as it is, why not say it where appropriate?

I have had several people I know either attempt to refund the game or leave negative reviews (though this was unsurprising, seeing as several were from a 3-4 member coop group that found themselves unable to complete the game.)

I myself have left a negative steam review with the disclaimer that the game was good, but one should wait to purchase it until major issues are fixed and serious bugfixing occurs.

In every case, however, the reviews are immediately bombarded with 'Not Helpful'; and in my experience it took less than 8 hours for my review (which I decided to write just after experiencing the joy that is Arx) was bombed to 4/17 Found This Review Helpful before I removed it and decided to write about the issues of the game elsewhere.

The Flaws of Divinity: Original Sin II: A list of observations of the game's shortcomings for the community.
Found HERE.