Yep. The encounter design (you barely ever see enemies in larger groupings than pairs. Typically they are all spread out.) greatly favors single target damage, in which elemental casters are inferior in almost every way. Lower base damage and they have to contend with resists on top of that. Magic armor does always seem to be higher than physical too, so what is going on with this? It's like a triple penalty for no good reason.
To add insult to injury, the physical forms of CC are better than anything elemental.
It's almost like elemental damage is gutted so hard because Summons exist. Summoning 10 is strong early and up to a bit beyond mid game--where your summons start becoming nothing but a beefy ally that does grossly inferior damage compared to the rest of the group. A full physical group is always the superior choice right now in every single encounter.
Nerfing physical isn't remotely the solution either, because making them deal less damage doesn't magically improve the performance of casters. It makes them closer, but all you're doing is lowering the effectiveness of physical, trying to make it as crappy as elemental instead of improving elemental, which is the issue in the first place.
Also, I don't entirely agree with removing enemy Opportunity. You shouldn't be in melee range with your casters anyway other than when a Warrior decides to Phoenix Dive inside your party. It's also not really a waste to invest two into Hunstman for Tactical Retreat. Casters get the elevation bonus too...
Last edited by Sanctuary; 07/10/17 03:12 AM.