I don't know why Lone Wolf builds keep being mentioned, as if the majority of players are going to want to solo the entire game with one character that has comparatively inflated stats, damage and AP that can also do more in the first turn than the group can combined. You can do similar things with a Ranger abusing Chameleon and Sneak.
The game is clearly designed around a four party group, knowing that many will choose to duo as well. Also, Skin Graft is what made your run as strong as it was, and that's no longer valid. You cannot have Time Warp with Flesh Sacrifice either normally. You can do this with Fane, but you have to essentially give up your helmet slot to do so. Another thing is that you don't have access to the same spells at the end of Act 1 that you had when you did that fight.
Also, some fights seem to be hard coded to not give a shit about your initiative. The boss will always go first, or at least if that's not the case, then they have 60+ initiative. Good luck with Glass Cannon during those encounters.
non LW Rogue can take out the non weakened Doctor before it even gets a turn.