Originally Posted by luchofeio
Just my 2 cents as someone who also thought mages were weak. In my second playthrough on tactician mode (2 char lone wolf) my mage is just destroying everything eith thunderstorm. And I really mean destroy all enemies in 1-2 turns...so I dont know. My warrior just watch the dead bodies...

Okay. So you're "destroying" encounters using a spell you don't have access to until level 15 - 16 that also requires three source if not using the scroll? You can get similar results with Hail Storm and Meteor Shower. So? Arrow Storm does about the same, but without the stun.

Again, you're using Lone Wolf, which is known to grossly inflate damage. This doesn't work in a normal group, and you normally can't even use the skills in the first place before close to the end of Act 2 (which is already over half of the game).

Last edited by Sanctuary; 07/10/17 08:07 PM.