The earliest proof that all is not right is the very first encounter in Gargoyle's Maze.
100% Fire and Poison immune. Have fun with that with your 2x Pryo/Geo and 2x Hydro/Aero team, even on Classic. You end up having to wait on cooldowns and on top of that, skip the turns of the two Pyro/Geos so that the other two can wand them to death.
Furthermore, 2 Handers have more range than daggers and there is no need to reposition for backstabs (which also annoyingly leaves you open for Attacks of Opportunity requiring further repositioning).
As for the Ranger, the concept is that IF a Ranger needs to reposition they need to waste AP to do it, whereas a Warrior's repositioning skill also deals damage - this is not wasted AP. The reality of it is that if you are using your AP for movement as a Warrior then you are doing something wrong because there are so many tools in the repertoire for changing your position.
I just can't agree at all with this logic. You should have The Pawn on the Rogue, and repositioning is never a problem, especially for the very first thing you target since you automatically get placed behind them anyway. Warfare skills that move you and deal damage aren't really much of a factor either because the damage on those skills is very low comparatively AND they cost 2 AP. Rogues are simply more efficient at killing until near the end of the game. Warriors only truly shine in those very rare scenarios where you can hit a group with anything other than Battle Stomp.
Far Out Man is moderately useful on physical damage dealers BTW. Not only for Rangers, but it affects teleporting skills like Backlash, Phoenix Dive, Cloak and Dagger and Tactical Retreat. Affects grenades too. It's not a talent that you would pick up early for melee, but it is something you'd pick up right away on Rangers. The description is deceptive.