Originally Posted by Sanctuary
The earliest proof that all is not right is the very first encounter in Gargoyle's Maze.
100% Fire and Poison immune. Have fun with that with your 2x Pryo/Geo and 2x Hydro/Aero team, even on Classic. You end up having to wait on cooldowns and on top of that, skip the turns of the two Pyro/Geos so that the other two can wand them to death.

Oh yeah, I remember that. I think I ended up staffing the fuckers down - in my dual LW run one mage uses dual wands and the other one uses staves because I wanted to see the difference in action. One observation is that you really do not want poison damage wands. The Fire / Poison combo is great when it works, but there are simply way too many undead enemies in the early acts and this is where your weapons become a liability. Melee does not work for Mordus, though, his health pool is simply much too big.

Originally Posted by Sanctuary
I just can't agree at all with this logic. You should have The Pawn on the Rogue, and repositioning is never a problem, especially for the very first thing you target since you automatically get placed behind them anyway. Warfare skills that move you and deal damage aren't really much of a factor either because the damage on those skills is very low comparatively AND they cost 2 AP. Rogues are simply more efficient at killing until near the end of the game. Warriors only truly shine in those very rare scenarios where you can hit a group with anything other than Battle Stomp.

I appreciate that we disagree on The Pawn / Executioner. I have not done a four player Tactician run, but in my Classic run even my poorly built Rogue was getting a kill on every turn - making Executioner strictly better than The Pawn. There isn't a universe where I would pick The Pawn over Executioner but, at the end of the day, both work just fine.

Also, I agree that Rogues are superior to Warriors but, again, this is deviating from the point. My point was that Warriors get all their mobility needs from Warfare. Yes, Blitz Attack damage may not be great in terms of dealing damage, but using two skills that deal damage AND reposition (2+2 AP) is always better than using one skill that repositions without damage and a damage dealer (1+2/3 AP). Even in the worst case scenario, it is autoattack+.

Last edited by Mermaid; 08/10/17 05:19 PM.