My 2 cents.
I am currently runing a team of 3 hibrids(battlemage,cleric,wayfarer) and 1 rogue.
My battlemage has a good mix of aoe and single target skills as well as some mobility skills from poly. So far I am at act 2 and I feel my battlemage is rather slugish vs voidwoken. I believe that having resistances and magical armour is too much and that the resistances should be removed from the game not the armour system.
I like the armour system very much but it makes encounters vs magisters very predictable: give your battlemage a wand and shield or a staff and he can kill magister knights,fighters and some battlemages with little resistances, if necesary switch your staff for a 2h axe to gut rangers and rogues if they have high magic armour.
I feel Warfare is a decent talent tree but I dislike the fact that Blitz Attack and Whirlwind require 2 points into Warfare,making staff warriors/battlemages a tougher sell than it already is.
Last edited by Draco359; 09/10/17 04:32 AM.