I guess there were times when I found gear to be annoying... but not really. I went through the whole game always upgrading my gear by buying new sets every few levels, never had an issue really. I mostly bought my gear from vendors though rather than finding it, so there's that. Always guaranteed to find some kind of upgrade by checking my commonly used vendors.

I suppose that is kind of sad since the drops were more or less pointless at times. What matters most in this game is your build and opening combos, honestly. And having high wits.

It would be nice if you could reroll item stats or modify them somehow. Also crafting is utterly useless, pretty much never used it besides for runes and skillbooks. Would have been great to be able to craft nicer gear, but I don't mind that crafting isn't a big part of it. Also what's up with not being able to see gear stats by hovering over the recipe item when crafting? It just feels like filler content not really flushed out or necessary in the game

Last edited by omegazen; 09/10/17 09:49 PM.