Thanks, Windemere. I my first version, I reversed engineered the code you are talking about (actually, it is GEN_TransfertNPC gold, or a stuff like that. And you can set it as set or check flag). It worked. And then, for "some reason", it didn't work, when I recreated my mod not inherited from D:OS2. That was a real moral blow, because I was so happy when it worked, because I had spend some hours trying to understand it.
And I mean, once you know the tricks, many things from the editor are fairly simple.
THERE HAS to be a simple way to check, in a dialogue, if a player has enough gold. It CAN'T be otherwise, because if not, it means this editor and langage coding is a piece of crap. I mean, in EVERY editor or langage I modded (log, nwn2, mab wb) with, it was mostly as simple as:
condition - has_gold - >= 50
No need to create some circomvoluted ways for this.
So I will wait a bit, I have other scripts and systems to create, and given time, the simple solution will probably appear. I have high faith in scriptsflags, I am pretty sure they will very simmply solve many problems once I grasp them.

What happens if the player spends or drops the gold in between the time you set the flag and the dialog checking for the flag takes place?

You are right. this is another stupid possibility I will probably spend hours trying to fix and study.


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