Originally Posted by Limz
... Fireball is also ~1 AP and scales by level, those multipliers are better off on ~2 AP spells. What did you honestly expect from a ~1 AP spell? You've spent 4+ AP to do a little more damage than ~2 AP. Grats?

I'm not really shitting on Summoners, but this kind of comparison is disingenuous to both sides and misses the mark.

What are you talking about? Fireball is 2AP and you aren't just casting a Fireball. You're dumping 4-5 AP into the Incarnate, which then has 4AP to spend that turn. After the first turn you're at an AP advantage. You end up with a pet that also gets a single target ranged attack as well.

Mages that focus on casting elemental spells have the advantage of being able to cast more spells initially, and uh...congrats? That's all they can do, and it's overall less effective until Act 2 when the good stuff unlocks. Even then, they won't be dealing as much damage with the same spell for a while.

Also no idea what you're talking about in regards to the scaling. Fireball scales with INT, Pryo and level when you're casting it. For Summoning, it's just Summoning and level. It's not disingenuous pointing out how when a Mage that focuses on X element first is at a disadvantage. Because they are. Unless you keep dumping into MEM, your slots are finite anyway, and your spells don't exactly have short cooldowns.

Last edited by Sanctuary; 09/10/17 10:23 PM.