First playthrough I had a 2h, he performed excellently in act 2 and 3. Trying a dual-wielder now and I don't think the basic attack damage changes much, I'd argue it's slightly higher; but with a much lower average damage because of the crits. The dodge is nice, sitting on 30% helps a lot with survivability, but what I find is that you die just as easy because many of the big bads in the game have powerful magical nukes. About towards the end of act 2 and I can't say it outperforms 2h, but I'm enjoying it and it's not falling behind. 100% dodge is probably super unrealistic, unless you get mass evasion which situationally way better anyway.

Dual-wielding isn't useless, but if you want to minmax 2h is probably the better pick.

Trap Strats: DOS1:EE? Cheese - DOS2? Mashed potatoes - Proper nutrition is key to dungeon delving.