Originally Posted by Limz
Originally Posted by MadDemiurg
Fane can cast time warp on anyone, actually it makes sense to cast on someone else since he'll get two full turns as opposed to Fane who already spent 2 ap on time warp on his first turn.

It only makes sense under certain game plans, but under the current meta it is very much a bad idea - stupid idea even.

Why would you give the enemy a chance to do anything when you can win in one turn or cripple the entire team in one turn.

You're literally tossing away initiative and advantage because 2AP and 1SP is too much for you. So, again, most builds will eat the cost.

If the char you want to cast time warp on goes after Fane (which can be easily arranged as apart from having 1 high ini char you just care about ini for turn order) you're only giving turn to 1 enemy, which is hardly a problem. You can only "win in one turn" with timewarping yourself if you're lonewolf or lategame anyway, in full party your Fane won't be strong enough to do that with just 1.5 or 1.66(if glasscannon) turns he has left for a while. And lategame if your main damage dealer mage goes right after Fane a good combo would be timewarp + haste on the mage with Fane and then apotheosis + nukes with mage. This indeeed allows you to "win in one turn" quite often and won't be possible with Fane himself unless he has something to source vamp, furher reducing his remaining AP. Otherwise you're just trading 1 SP for 2-4(glasscannon) extra AP on Fane, which isn't bad but hardly amazing.