Updated. Not thoroughly tested, might be some remaining bugs.
Added scavenging, wood cutting.
Wood cutting is pretty self explanatory. Scavenging will give the player the opportunity to recover a little gold when searching a humanoid corpse.
Added rat bounties.
First appearance of saskatwan tribe hunters. The saskatwans are a hostile tribe of natives. They are met in the woods near fort hope, as they seem to be coming back to these giboyous hunting grounds. Interactions with this tribe is really limited now, mostly trading arrows and blows. This tribes wherabouts are unknown now.
Added iron ore in the rat cave.
The prospector is turning into a smithy, and gathered a few crafting stations.
Added interactable trees.
Improved resting script.

On an internal, scripting part, I layed the foundations for specific items use and qualities when interacting with items, like a good woodchopping axe will give bonus when woodcutting. Not added yet.

Next big step will be custom crafting system, taking skills into account, and various types of results.
Then, most systems will be in place, I will be able to expand the world and quests.


Last edited by Cromcrom; 28/10/17 04:47 PM.

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