Joined: Nov 2017
This addon can be found in the Steam Workshop under the name: Arena Challenges. It is a story campaign that involves starting off at level 20 and participating in various custom arena challenge matches. Workshop link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1931630428Start off at level 20, configure your team to your heart's content and select your arena. Win the arena without dying to get a gold trophy. Die once and get a silver, and so forth. This project is designed with multiplayer in mind so that every player can create level 20 characters right at the start to show off their ideas. No more worrying about gold for skills and gear; It's all prepared for you. The paladin encounter makes it easy to gauge the strength of your group's build by letting you select how many enemy paladins to spawn in the arena. The team composition of the paladins will automatically balance itself. Share your personal record if you'd like! I want to thank Larian for making such an awesome game and also providing the luxuriously crafted The Divinity Engine 2.
Last edited by Guava527; 09/12/19 11:17 AM.
Joined: Nov 2017
Added a new encounter. Enter: Zeus. Also added a random number generator to settle disputes. I'll provide some screens below: The Axis - Where you configure your team![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/FqmFzfd.jpg) There is a Companion Dispenser, Source Dispenser, and Respec Mirror available. Configure your equipment and abilities. ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/16viJy9.jpg) Select your encounter and a portal destination will be set to the corresponding arena. The Almira Encounter![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/VGUpXPS.jpg) Located in the Lady Vengeance Arena. The Zeus Encounter![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/rgC9Hp6.jpg) Located in the Mount Olympus Arena. Enjoy!
Joined: Nov 2017
EDIT: The public git is no longer available. If you'd like the project source, I'll be glad to share it. Just PM me.
Unfortunately I'm putting development of this mod on hold for now because the people that I really wanted to share this with don't even play anymore. =/
I put the project files on a public git though, if anyone wants to take a look or contribute, that's fine, and I'll still be around.
Git info: public-git@ Password: public-git
Remember to create a branch if you want to contribute, and we'll figure out how to merge it later. Or if you want to use anything in your own project, that's fine.
For now, here's a brief description for anyone willing to manually import the Arena Challenges Project. This info is valid up to the time of this posting.
Editor/Arena_Challenges_ec963b76-aec1-4c91-b901-d934fe7bee48 goes into Divinity Original Sin 2/Data/Editor/Mods/
Mods/Arena_Challenges_ec963b76-aec1-4c91-b901-d934fe7bee48 goes into Divinity Original Sin 2/Data/Mods/
Projects/Arena_Challenges goes into Divinity Original Sin 2/Data/Projects
Public/Arena_Challenges_ec963b76-aec1-4c91-b901-d934fe7bee48 goes into Divinity Original Sin 2/Data/Public
If any of the folders don't exist in your DOS2 Data folder, you'll have to create it. Once these files are imported, you should see this project available in your Divinity Engine 2. Remember not to do any local publishes of the project. It's not necessary because DOS2 already detects and loads any Divinity Engine 2 projects as a mod, even ones you do not publish. As long as a project exists, it will be loaded with priority over subscribed mods of the same UUID.
Last edited by Guava527; 09/12/19 07:42 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Sad to hear, I was excited to see the new challenges! Great of you to provide the files, though Hopefully you or someone else can pick this up again sometime. Hope to see you modding again soon! Sincerely, Kevin
CTRL+K the elf
Joined: Nov 2017
Thanks for the encouragement, Kevin. Actually I'm resuming this project because I now have help! We are team developing this project using Git, and because of that, I created the Pipe Tool to help the import and export of project files into and out of the DOS2 data directory. This makes the manual import method mentioned earlier obsolete. Please consult this post to learn how to use the Pipe Tool to import this mod. The source is also provided and it's public domain. If you are cloning the repository, you won't have to download the binaries from that post because it's included in the repository by default. Simply "Pipe In" and you should see the project in The Divinity Engine 2. No new encounter yet, but there are some important bug fixes and minor changes which can be seen in the Steam Workshop page's change history.
Joined: Nov 2017
TheLuicc, the other developer, has finally finished designing and scripting his encounter: The Seven Deadly Sins! This is the booth: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/vp5uLgo.jpg) Purgatory Arena: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/R83nWVw.jpg) Current mod version is, please check that in-game in the mod list. If it's not up-to-date and the mod is subscribed, try deleting the mod from documents at C:\Users\Username\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin 2\Mods, and then restart Steam.
Last edited by Guava527; 31/12/17 11:31 PM.
Joined: Feb 2018
New fight added to the Arena challenged mod - The Frost King. This time around I tried making something different from what we had so far in the sense that there's only 1 opponent - but he's extremely strong. Although he can be cheesed with a couple abilities hopefully people will try to actually try to beat him with their favored builds, at most making a couple adjustments to facilitate the fight. The booth: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/MRenX7S.png) ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/roEHyJ7.png) The Arctic Arena: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/RTv6efa.png) ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/dyGb0EA.png) Current mod version is, please check that in-game in the mod list. If it's not up-to-date and the mod is subscribed, try deleting the mod from documents at C:\Users\Username\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin 2\Mods, and then restart Steam. Because it takes me so long to write the scripts this might be the last fight I make, but would be nice if more people contributed to the mod. Even just scripting in the arenas made by me or other people would be a huge help.
Joined: Feb 2018
Just to clarify, Guava actually did the scripting for me for the frost king fight because I dont enjoy scripting at all. Also the latest version number should actually be i think, and I don't know why the images I uploaded don't show on the post... You can check the steamworkshop mod page to see a preview.
Sorry i'm new to using forums I know that sounds lame :^)
Joined: Feb 2018
Actually version ... I'm sorry for all the posts I can't edit previous ones.
Joined: Jul 2014
Nice. (As a new forum member with few posts your image links will not be shown. So here my repost) EDIT: I see now your image links ar activated aswell, rherefore I put my quote in spoiler tags to not mess up your post. New fight added to the Arena challenged mod - The Frost King. This time around I tried making something different from what we had so far in the sense that there's only 1 opponent - but he's extremely strong. Although he can be cheesed with a couple abilities hopefully people will try to actually try to beat him with their favored builds, at most making a couple adjustments to facilitate the fight. The booth: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/MRenX7S.png) ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/roEHyJ7.png) The Arctic Arena: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/RTv6efa.png) ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/dyGb0EA.png) Current mod version is, please check that in-game in the mod list. If it's not up-to-date and the mod is subscribed, try deleting the mod from documents at C:\Users\Username\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin 2\Mods, and then restart Steam. Because it takes me so long to write the scripts this might be the last fight I make, but would be nice if more people contributed to the mod. Even just scripting in the arenas made by me or other people would be a huge help.
Last edited by morez; 16/02/18 07:13 PM.
Joined: Nov 2017
New encounter added: The Paladins Encounter. In this encounter, you get to select the number of paladins to fight from the booth controls. The enemy team composition will automatically try to balance itself. Instead of winning trophies, a high score record is kept for number of paladins beaten. Booth: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/5hn9J7m.jpg) Coliseum: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/005Ny2c.jpg) Proud of the number of paladins you've beaten? You can post it here as well and share your build with us, preferably without other mods on that might give you an edge. So far I've gotten up to 7 paladins with my normal 4-man physical team (tank, rogue, archer, 2handed warrior). Lone wolf is probably much more, but we're still having fun with it. We'd be happy to hear how you're doing.
Joined: Sep 2017
Went ahead and took a quick spin against 4 paladins with a tank, rogue, support mage/summoner & dmg mage. Thoroughly enjoying the challenges as well as the general design that's being put into it. We've also had a good laugh internally about the Companion Dispenser  Great idea! 
Last edited by Larian_KVN; 19/02/18 02:27 PM.
CTRL+K the elf
Joined: Nov 2017
Yay!  It's been a while and I figured I might as well share my record and build. I got up to 14 paladins with a tank and a ranger using Lone Wolf. The buildRetribution tank: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/kQs4784.png) ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/MPUHlu3.png) Enraging Ranger: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/3VdCyEJ.png) General StrategyThe retribution tank will soak and reflect as much damage as possible using crowd position manipulation (nether swap, teleports, etc) and taunt. The ranger will utilize Stench, Shackles, and stay in safe high-grounds. The core of the strategy is to pick a time for the ranger to use Chameleon Cloak. Then, some paladins may cluster together to attack the tank. Tank can use crowd positioning manipulation abilities to improve the clustering, especially the Paladin Elementalists, which are high priority targets. When the time is right, the ranger can de-cloak, Enrage, and Arrow Storm the cluster to wipe out as many as possible. Hopefully by then, the tide will be turned and the ranger can clean up the rest of the paladins. -------------------------------------------------------- Additionally: Lui can beat 20 paladins I believe with a Lone-Wolf 2x Thunder Storm build. I'm not sure on the details though, other than the meat of the build being two Thunder Storms that wipe out most of the paladins.
Joined: Nov 2017
Joined: Nov 2017
Find other players in our discord server: The Axis https://discord.gg/FNecaUNEDIT: This is no longer available.
Last edited by Guava527; 09/12/19 07:37 AM.
Joined: Nov 2017
I've taken this mod down from Steam for personal reasons. It is no longer possible to obtain this mod and the project. If a moderator reads this, please delete this thread or close it, as well as the Pipe Tool thread under tools. The download will no longer be available.
Thank you, anyone who tried this mod and/or contributed.
Joined: Nov 2017
I'm back from a hiatus! PM me if you want to know what happened and why I felt like I needed to take down the mod. Basically it was due to health issues.
I've updated Arena Challenges to work with Definitive Edition and it's back on the Steam workshop.
Joined: Dec 2019
Cool addon! Always love seeing people add new challenges to this game.
Last edited by paleluna; 22/12/19 02:40 PM.