Joined: Nov 2017
I'll add to this as I spot them, and ignoring bugs that I've seen previously reported:
- if you have a stack marked as Wares and then only sell a part of it, the remaining items are unmarked as Wares and placed back in your inventory
- tooltip description for RAW ribs: "Raw ribs - cooked Driftwood style over an open flame, this meat is crispy-on-the-outside and tender on the inside"
- Mirror - incorrect tooltip Level for Abilities - it seems it only reports the level gained from items, base level is ignored. Level 11 Pyro, tooltip says level 4
- Mirror - ability levels are capped at 10. You can go back from 11 to 10 for example but you can't go back up, even if you can go back up to 11 in game
- Mirror - you can't hear the instruments when selecting them
- missing item after crafting - went to craft a Ressurection scroll, the progress bar just hang, had to press the X cancel button and second time it worked, only there was no scroll to be found. Crafting items were gone though.
Last edited by Evangeline; 26/11/17 06:26 PM.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
Hannag's Ring - "this ring was crafted in the Ancient Empire and bestows Chameleon Skin upon the wearer" - does this ring actually do anything?
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
Raise Bone Widow - "the stats of the summons will depend on the caster level and Summoning ability" - but Bone Widow is in Necromancer, it doesn't even require Summoning
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Oct 2016
Summoner affects all summonings, not only those from summoner skill tree. So it is working as intended, though causing quite some imbalances if I'm not mistaken.
Joined: Nov 2017
Thanks, didn't realise that. A bit confusing though... Maybe make Bone Widow require Summoning, to make it more obvious.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
[BUG] - "I was transported into the Hall of Echoes and met my parasite again. It told me the Void is growing ever-stronger, and it gave me Spirit Vision - the ability to see and communicate with spirits who linger on in the world. It also gave me the power of Source Vampirism" - erm, no it didn't? Unless I can cast Source Vampirism in Act 1, don't think so though. I'm in Act 2 and I still don't have it.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
"No way out" - killing the NPC by cutting his hand with the Black Ring sword results in the log saying that we left Reaper's Coast and we haven't solved the issue.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
[BUG?] - entering Roost's room and then leaving without saving Saheila will result in the elves at the camp attacking you. At least I think that's what triggers it. This is without Ifan btw, so attacking the guards outside first, leading to a fight with Roost without getting to talk to him, and then backing out of the fight cause he kicked my ass  Also it would be good to get to talk to Roost even if you aggro'ed the guards outside, that conversation between him and Sebille was awesome.
Last edited by Evangeline; 28/11/17 04:09 PM.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
[BUG] - teleporting Magister Reimond at the Driftwood docks right after the conversation ends but before he enters the boat will result in him jumping to level 16. The boat leaves so the game thinks he got in the boat and will bump his level up for the second time you're supposed to meet him at the Blackpits. Additionally this triggers some Silent watchers on the boat to join in the ensuing fight as well, even though they're still on the boat which is at some off map coordinates. While the other magister (who gets knocked down by Reimond) will ignore the fight completely. ("Who dat? Naah that's not Magister Raimond, you're joshing me. Magister Reimond got into the boat, I saw him. Yeah you can fight this guy, no worries") At least he drops off some sweet lvl16 gear, I was at level 9  I can't use the staff but don't need to anyway, it's got some nice buffs. And certainly made good use of that armor and belt hehe
Last edited by Evangeline; 28/11/17 08:30 PM.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
[BUG] - There's a house in Blackpits with a Hidden Hatch that goes into a basement, going through that takes you to the main area with Jonathan. If you try to go back through the basement though, you get back into the house but as soon as you reach the door the game teleports you back to the main area, it's weird.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
[SUGGESTION] - I've just played almost half the game before realising how the flight ability works. The ability icon was appearing in a different hotbar, cause the first one was full (due to the game adding all the scrolls etc to the hotbar that's probably pretty common). I just wasn't seeing the second icon, I knew there must have been something I was missing but didn't know what. Google didn't have any answers either, people were discussing other things/issues regarding flight. But I was like "yeah but how does it work, it doesn't do ANYTHING. Apart from just hovering over the ground, I can't actually fly or reach high places like I was expecting to".  Maybe the toggled abilities can live alongside the hotbar, so they're always visible. Although I imagine there's limited space there on some monitors, and it not good UI/UX. This whole "click an icon to make another icon appear and then you have to find it in your hotbar(s) and click that one too" is messy. I understand why it's done this way with the ability lasting multiple turns but it's just unintuitive. So maybe we can have a single icon - click it one time and it takes 2AP and you can fly (you know, like you expect to when you click the Flight icon). Icon changes colour or something to indicate it's active and it won't cost you any AP. Click it again in the next turn and it takes 0AP to fly. And the next turn it expires and it costs 2AP again, icon is back to the original state.
Last edited by Evangeline; 28/11/17 09:05 PM.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
[BUG] - inventory stats don't update in real-time when adding/removing runes from equipped items
It only happens sometimes, a bit hard to replicate. Like swapping one rune for another - updates when taking the old rune out, doesn't update when placing the new rune.
Last edited by Evangeline; 29/11/17 01:37 AM.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
Hanal Lechet still has +1 Single Handed. Why would I want that on a 2 handed weapon, its useless.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
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Some body parts don't have memories associated with them, found 2 in the Possessed Warmaiden ruins in Cloisterwood.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
[SUGGESTION] - Please please please increase the timeout between NPC talking. Maybe after they said all their lines, they can say them again in case you missed it the first time - fine. But then maybe they should SHUT UP for a while. Saying the same thing over and over, with 5 seconds timeout between each line - gives me a headache. And it's a bit ridiculous.
Last edited by Evangeline; 29/11/17 01:56 AM.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
When retrieving the Anathema blade from Bloodmoon Island, the characters say "the hilt of a blade, I believe" - yet that is not the hilt, that's the blade. The hilt I got from the Surrey tomb.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
After giving the Anathema parts to Tarquin and then speaking with him again, he lists some ingredients and then says "and then I can get back to the ship". While standing on the ship.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
When resting in Ryker's dungeon, the main character says "it's not safe to rest here" (even though Ryker is dead) and doesn't rest but the other characters rest anyway.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
"Stranger in a strange land" - burned the lizard's remains without talking to the spirit first. Quest doesn't close.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
That kid fetching you stuff has disappeared. Got me one item, went to get a second one, never came back. I kept hoping it's not a bug and part of a quest but so far I'm nearly done with Act 2 and I haven't found him.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!