Everyone needs a break every once in a while. Maybe you'll decide to pick up the project again. You put a lot of effort into these mods, and your progress did help me out along the way with some of my projects. Thanks, and my (unsolicited) 2 cents is that incremental progress is still progress. Roadblocks come and go, some get frustrating, then are overcome, then repeat. Learning how to overcome a roadblock, even without anything to show for your time and effort, is still progress. If it were not, some fields of science would be stuck in the dark ages.

I do agree with morez; co-op projects would be interesting, but a double edged sword. There's a ye-olde saying in the industry: What can be accomplished by 1 programmer in 1 month can be accomplished by 2 programmers in 2 months. I am all for it, at least personally when thinking about the sheer scope of some of these campaigns I want to make.

Take care Cromcrom, and good luck to you, mate. Hope to see you modding some more soon

Projects: Tomb of Horrors: Tomb of Horrors