Joined: Aug 2008
![[Linked Image]](http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/26064318/ef2855dc7d2c35e716fa6b4c431694ec5f358e56.jpg) Greetings all! Thanks to the support and feedback from you our players, the latest patch comes chock full of fixes and updates. So, hats off to you, community. (Unless it’s a bicorne hat, in which case we may keep it firmly on our heads. Those tend to get lost.) One feature many of you requested was the ability to turn off the automatic addition of skills or items to the hotbar. Another feature that might make life a little easier for you: having Lucky Charm on one character now applies that talent to the whole party. And lockpicks and trap disarm kits are now shared automatically via Magic Pockets! Along with the many bug-fixes we’ve made improvements all across the game, including to the UI and to Game Master Mode. We’ve also made changes that will increase compatibility with mods. You’ll find the full list below. (Some of the fixes apply to story so beware, here lieth spoilers.) Thanks again for your help and support, you’ve helped make 2017 an extraordinary year for Larian. We wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season. The Larian Team Changes and improvements- Added a toggle in the options menu to automatically add certain groups of items or skills from the hotbar
- Lucky Charm is now a party-wide talent. Players no longer need to select the character with the talent to open containers
- Added exact armor values to controller mode UI when hovering over enemies
- Arena lobby settings are now saved while in the same play session
- Fixed issues with reassigning middle mouse button and right mouse button
- Lockpicks and trap disarm kits are now shared automatically via Magic Pockets
- Improved selecting doors when using a controller
- Added the ability to drop or move items to a specific location in the world when using a controller. The “hold in hand” option now has a context menu
- Added friendly fire damage from traps to combat log
- Added Summoning information from NPCs to combat log
- Updated save/load interface when using a controller
- Added extra dialog animations to Trolls
- Revealed items are now highlighted when pressing ALT, after the player has revealed them
- Improved the flow of the companion dialog between Sebille and Stingtail
- Changing equipment or using items now breaks “Play Dead” status
- Updated several visual effects and sound effects to certain regions, story moments and skills
- Added player feedback when an enemy is immune to a certain type of attack
- Improved the journal update when picking up a purging wand in Braccus’ vault
- Improved the timing of certain quest rewards during dialog
- Splitscreen mode in Character Creation now allows players to edit their characters again after having pressed Start
- Fixed the issue where, under certain conditions, Tarquin wasn’t moving from the Lady Vengeance to the Stonegarden
- You can now create Armour of the Eternals with both types of Eternal artefact
- The “Medusa Head” skill now correctly overrides the “Bull Horns” skill
- Improved the behavior of Hannag during combat
- Updated subtitles for several endgame scenes
- SPOILER: Destroying Arx by releasing Deathfog will now make the player fail the Path of Blood
- SPOILER: Delorus can no longer be resurrected if he dies while following the party
Bug Fixes- Fixed pillars for the Lunar Puzzle on the Nameless Isle
- Fixed crash in multiplayer lobby when host changes number of free slots
- Fixed an issue with the Eternal Arbiter. It should now correctly teleport the party back to the Arena
- Fixed issue with characters being reassigned when they are in the magic mirror
- Fixed several incorrect character portraits
- Fixed custom player characters disappearing in conjunction with certain mods that had a dependency on the Arena. This fix should work retroactively
- Fixed area-of-effect (AoE) skills taking benefit from high ground damage several times when targeting multiple opponents
- Fixed a rare crash related to overwriting savegames, causing subsequent saves to crash
- Fixed visual issue with long cloaks
- Fixed corruption issue when loading duplicated stats (e.g.: crashing in GM mode when using the “Greed - Increase Loot Variety” mod)
- Fixed issue where certain dialogs continued incorrectly upon entering combat
- Fixed charm causing “waiting for other player” issue if charmed character is in dialog during combat
- Fixed electrified blood blocking some AoE skills, like Encourage
- Fixed Fear status animation being stuck, even when the status had faded
- Fixed an issue where certain NPCs would become hostile after they involuntarily get hit with retribution damage
- Fixed Dazing Bolt - now hits click position instead of nearest target
- Fixed multiplayer issue where client player triggers dialogs for the host player even when they are not near each other
- Fixed item visuals not updating correctly when dropping an item and targeting enemies directly with a controller
- Fixed Andras’ behavior when attacked outside of combat
- Fixed narrator dialog sometimes not triggering when the player unlocks his first source point
- Fixed crafting progress bar sometimes getting stuck
- Fixed permanent burning status from equipping Tyrant set
- Fixed certain effects remaining in the world incorrectly after NPCs use Source skills
- Fixed certain effects not playing when the caster is not on the screen
- Fixed decal effects not rendering on animated objects like drawbridges
- Fixed item statuses ticking in real time in arena mode
- Fixed several dialogs that did not recognize Fane when shapeshifted
- Fixed an issue where two different parties would both get a quest update
- Fixed several locations that had “can’t reach” issues when trying to pick up items
- Fixed an issue with reconnecting a controller while in Character Creation in splitscreen mode
- Fixed several issues with committing crimes in the chapel at Fort Joy and near Paladin Cork
- Fixed an issue where music would not restart after saving and loading in specific locations
- Fixed an issue that would cause the player to lose AP when equipping items he already has equipped
- Fixed “Set Action” context menu when using it on the skill bar of a summon
- Fixed Undead players getting Bleeding status in certain cases after saving and loading
- Fixed an issue allowing players to increase stats of player characters by repeatedly joining and disconnecting in the Character Creation screen in splitscreen mode
- Fixed the magic mirror from removing certain statuses (like Blood Rose Elixir)
- Stolen items that the player has moved to Lady Vengeance, now correctly keep their “Stolen” label
- Fixed an issue with Resist Death status after loading a savegame
- Fixed skipping a turn when using a controller and pressing B while pressing a trigger button
- Fixed being permanently shapeshifted when equipping an item that silences you
- Fixed being able to change the difficulty of the game higher than Classic when starting out in Explorer or Classic mode
- Fixed conflicting status info when standing in a fire cloud above water
- Fixed an issue with crime flags not being cleared correctly, causing some NPCs to become hostile to the player
- Fixed barter prices for containers that contain gold to include the full value of contents.
- Fixed stuck AI decision-making when attempting to use a ladder at the end of a movement turn with 0 AP
- Fixed inconsistencies between status tooltip damage and combat log damage
- Fixed performance issue in the third phase of the Arena of the One combat
- Fixed being able to Play Dead while in the magic mirror
- Fixed incorrect companion journal logs after the final combat
- Fixed an issue regarding Lohse’s closing dialog at the end of the game not triggering correctly
- Fixed several issues related to ALT-tabbing out of the game when in dedicated fullscreen mode
- Fixed several issues with attacking Barin directly during the Heroic Rescue quest
- Fixed Five-Star Diner talent to correctly double the effects of potions
- Fixed a possession issue on the last party member that is alive during the Bound By Pain combat. This should no longer block the player
- Fixed Dallis scene not triggering correctly during the Arena of the One combat
- Fixed inconsistencies in Fane’s end scene
- Fixed not being able to give a savegame the same name in GM and Story modes, even though they are in separate folders
- Fixed a rare crash related to quickloading
- Disabled being able to load into a new region while a character is inside the magic mirror, since this was causing issues
- Fixed automatic unlearning of skills upon entering and exiting the magic mirror, when using a controller
- SPOILER: Fixed Malady and Gareth being stuck in combat at the lower deck of the Lady Vengeance in the Hall of Echoes
- SPOILER: Fixed a rare issue that stopped players from finishing Act 1 when talking to Malady after defeating Alexandar
- SPOILER: Fixed remaining support issues regarding Tarquin at the Stonegarden and Tarquin not returning to Lady Vengeance
- SPOILER: Fixed an issue with Malady being stuck in the Arena of the One combat
- Fixed issue with Armor levels not being correct after loading on the client player(s)
- Fixed not being able to raise the attitude of traders under certain conditions
- Fixed a crash related to using Blood Sucker while still performing a basic attack
- SPOILER: Fixed a progression issue with Malady's Nameless Isle location reveal
- SPOILER: Fixed Infernal Lizards in the Consulate not dying even when no more fire surfaces are near
- SPOILER: Fixed Empyreo’s dialog to acknowledge that you have met Septa in Fort Joy
- SPOILER: Fixed a blocking issue at the entrance to the Academy if one or several party members are dead on arrival
- SPOILER: Fixed looping effects after Lohse starts playing her song and the player interrupts it
- SPOILER: Fixed an issue where under certain conditions players were still getting cursed by the God King
- SPOILER: Fixed the quest flow in case the player frees Gwydian without interacting with him first
- SPOILER: Fixed not being able to talk to Alexandar’s ghost
- SPOILER: Fixed Magister Varland’s dialog after completing the Strange Cargo quest
- SPOILER: Fixed too many puppets spawning in the Death Room when entering with multiple player characters
- SPOILER: Fixed not being able to talk to Bant and Cade after killing Mordus
- SPOILER: Fixed visual of the player’s Inner Hero in the Hall of Echoes
- SPOILER: Fixed Saheila possibly having an empty dialog after rescuing her from Roost
- SPOILER: Fixed not being able to talk to Tovah and Saheila under certain conditions
- SPOILER: Fixed not being able to re-enter Kemm’s vault
- SPOILER: Fixed Lohse’s lute getting destroyed even when Adramahlihk is dead
- SPOILER: Fixed an issue with the war owl not appearing if Ryker was the only Sourcerer left and the player refuses his quest
UI Fixes- Added an indication that players are ready when picking characters in Arena mode
- Added more player feedback when failing a persuasion
- Fixed incorrect scrolling position of journal
- Fixed overlapping text in journal
- Fixed several overlap issues when using splitscreen
- Fixed shapeshifter mask not correctly updating player portrait in certain parts of the UI, when using a controller
- Fixed several issues with cut-off text in French, German and Russian
- Fixed negative movement modifiers from armor or shields showing as positive
- Fixed being able to toggle the map legend when using a controller
- Fixed not being able to send stacks of items to the Lady Vengeance via context menu
- Fixed several issues when escaping Fort Joy via the pipe to the swamp during combat
- Fixed not being able to dismiss the Red Prince as companion while in Arx
- Fixed Rune screen not updating correctly when switching characters in controller mode
GM Mode- Added an option via the in-game menu to re-roll the party while already in a campaign
- Players can now join the session during party re-roll
- Added a Reputation Management screen to set NPC attitudes towards the players
- Added a keyboard shortcut (Caps Lock) to make movable objects parallel to the surface, tilting them
- Added a warning message when disabling mods during a GM session
- Fixed Magical Armor and Physical armor values after possessing a creature
- Fixed Make War option not working in GM mode
- Fixed a crash related to the GM character not being assigned to a player
- Fixed GM being able to load a level when players have not finished preparing their characters
- Fixed players being blocked on the Character Creation screen when reconnecting
- Fixed incorrect alignment of NPCs if GM possesses them during combat, then saves and loads
- Fixed Context menu when right-clicking on stickies in the Vignette window
- Fixed visual of characters being dragged by the GM
- Fixed an issue that would, when an object was being moved, automatically make it assume a position parallel to the ground, resulting in it being tilted.
- Fixed an interface issue if a character has no memorized skills
- Fixed white icons in the Encounter panel
- Fixed not being able to select items from the Encounter panel under certain conditions
- Fixed skill cooldowns during pause
- Fixed a crash related to selecting an origin character with certain mods activated
- Fixed a crash when holding right-shift and dragging a character
- Fixed clients not being able to download images larger than 1Mb
- Disabled Trade Context menu for dead NPCs
- Disabled NPCs incorrectly receiving XP when a GM possesses them
Modding Larian Forum Thread- Fixed Windows 10 Creator's Update middle mouse camera rotation stuttering
- Items/characters/triggers in an updated add-on now get loaded into an existing savegame without having to unload/load the add-on
- Game Master Mode now always loads Game Master story. Enabling add-ons with custom story to GM no longer wrongly loads any story of those add-ons
- Fixed crash on checkout of Origin level terrains
- Terrains can no longer be converted to prefab root templates
- Fixed possible “Could not open meta.lsb” error on loading Origin levels
- Fixed crash on material generation (when path names contained spaces)
- Material Editor no longer crashes when saving files outside of the current project’s Editor folder
- Fixed error where the ‘New Script’ dialog returned a path to the wrong mod
- Memory leak fix in the World Outliner causing freezes on initial object selection
- Fixed crash when dragging equipment in Game Mode from Equipment Panel to the world
- AI metadata now loads for inherited levels. This includes painted cells. Mods should no longer break the AI by regenerating the AI grid (as evidenced by previous issues in Fort Joy)
- Instance Painter in inherited levels now lists the instances in that level
- Script Editor now shows inherited files
- Translated String Key Editor can now open files from Larian mods
- Terrain Slope Interaction Mode no longer resets itself
- Fixed crash when levels contained invalid layers
- Property descriptions now correctly reference the “Resource Manager” instead of the “Content Browser”
- Terrain interaction mode: brush updates every tick instead of on mouse move
- Terrain interaction mode: added an option to disable terrain shape toggle hotkeys (shift, ctrl, enter)
- Terrain interaction mode: fixed max brush radius for shaping tools
- Fixed a crash that occurred when using "Pick thumbnail" and selecting the current level thumbnail
- Story Editor now checks out file on symbol keys (-?/\,. etc) and on ctrl+c, ctrl+v
- Fixed a crash in the Translated String Key Editor when adding empty rows with the row edit button
- More long path support
- Sidebar propertygrid now refreshes when a property is changed outside the property grid (including transform properties)
- Fixed crash on switching projects while the Stats Editor cell still has unsaved content
- Level Browser: 'Create' button is no longer available in the pop-up level browser for selecting a level from which to copy
- Dialog Editor: Fixed crash on double-clicking on a node's header while in Play Dialog mode
- Stats Editor: Delete button now deletes a cell’s value instead of the entire row
- Fixed crash on assigning or reassigning "Source file" for multiple AnimationResource components
- Stats Editor: Fixed error where “Set custom color” for column stopped working after the first use
- Removed Transform Properties from Resources
- Fixed crash on wall construction deletion
- Switching between wireframe and default view mode in the preview panel no longer affects the main render window and vice versa
- Fixed a crash that would occur when the Open Material dialog closes
Modding - Scripting (compatibility issues)- Game modes (Story/GM/Arena) are now compatible. Mods can safely load both GM and Story data without causing issues such as disabled characters in a new Story game. All story goals are now parented under a respective Story/GM/Arena goal (DOS2ModWrapper/GMModWrapper/ArenaModWrapper). Existing mods will still work, but to make your mod compatible between game modes, make sure to parent any modded goals under the newly added root goals (DOS2ModWrapper/GMModWrapper/ArenaModWrapper).
- Added new GetStatusTurns query to story and script: returns the lifetime in turns of a given status on an object.
- Added new GetSurfaceSize query to story and script: returns the surface size in tiles of a surface at a given position.
- Added new ItemGetTeleportTarget query in script: returns the teleport target of the teleport action of an item (if it has one).
- Added new GlobalShareFlag call in story: allows you to share an individual flag (sets a global flag without throwing the GlobalEventSet event)
- Added new FadeOutBlack call in story: allows you to start a black fade-out
- Added new FadeOutWhite call in story: allows you to start a white fade-out
- Added new FadeIn call in story: allows you to start a fade-in
- Changed ApplyDamage call in story: new 'source' parameter
- Changed ApplyStatus call in story and CharacterApplyStatus in script: new 'source' parameter
- Changed CharacterDie(Immediate) call in story and script: new 'source' parameter
- Changed ReceivedDamage event in story: new 'source' and 'damage' parameters (not compatible with previous version)
- Changed CharacterUseSkill call in story: new 'ignoreChecks' parameter which allows you to ignore muted and disarmed checks
- Changed ItemToInventory call in story: new 'ClearOriginalOwner' parameter which allows you to skip clearing the original owner
- Changed CharacterDestroyedItem event in story: parameter 'ItemTemplate' format changed from '<templateName>' to '<templateName>_<GUID>'
- Renamed FadeDone event in story to FadeOutDone (old event is now legacy, but will still work)
- Renamed ClearFadeDone event in story to FadeInDone (old event is now legacy, but will still work)
Joined: Oct 2015
Really! That's it. No balancing? The biggest issue with the game is not the bugs( of which there are many) but the catastrophic level design, balancing and stat inflation. This game was released as an alpha. Must I really wait for for an enhanced edition for Larian to work on the major issues.
Joined: Sep 2017
i'm fairly certain the biggest issues were the bugs that made certain quests impossible to progress, so i'm glad this patch addressed that
also a big plus to see lucky charm made into a global trait
a balance update would be nice, but making sure the game is at least playable for everyone should be the first priority
Joined: Sep 2017
All hail Larian devs, seven times divine
"Keep distant, My own demons still haunt me too closely. I cannot also bear the burden of yours."
Joined: May 2017
Awesome patch. Many thanks!
Joined: Oct 2017
Love you guys, may you be granted Amadia's blessing on you and on your offspring for thousands of generations. but the catastrophic level design, balancing and stat inflation. What would you change in level design ?
Last edited by Defender; 05/12/17 04:54 PM.
Joined: Dec 2017
Fixing the bugs at top priority, completely understandable. If you were making cars that steered left and crashed, you'd fix that first before offering a model in pink. However, I must say it is disappointing to see so little effort put into rebalancing.
Joined: Oct 2015
I reckon the stat inflation which moves exponentially as you level up is a major problem in the game. Regarding design, I find the game doesn't flow like an rpg should. You are kinda forced to do a bit here and then a bit over there, which in role playing terms is terrible. It's a game where using a walkthrough helps way to much, and not using one is painful.
Mainly because while it makes sense to finish the lower level areas first, in each level the boss fights can be really difficult, almost impossible without coming back later, which does nothing for the role playing aspect. The ridiculous stat inflation is largely to blame. In the first act you can safely take on opponents who are a level or two higher than you. As you progress in the game that becomes more and more difficult. Consequently, a boss who is just one level higher than you becomes virtually impossible unless you cheese.
Regarding the bugs, while there are way too many, they also need to work on balance in order to make combat more enjoyable.
Joined: Nov 2017
Has it been pushed to GOG yet?
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Sep 2017
Yes the new build is now live on GoG also! Enjoy!
Joined: Nov 2017
My Fane ending is still bugged - showing return of the God-king instead of rising to Divinity, is it necessary to make a new save for the patch to work?
Last edited by romson87; 05/12/17 07:33 PM.
Joined: Nov 2017
Unfortunetly there is still no fix for the Almira bug in act 3 ( http://larian.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=636583&#Post636583). She is still gone, although she joined you on the ship in act 2. The bug occurs when you put the tablet (which you shouldn't even have anymore!) into your chest on the lady vengeance before you start act 3. Hopefully you guys adress this in the next patch. 
Last edited by vometia; 05/12/17 09:09 PM. Reason: formatting
Joined: Dec 2017
Lucky Charm is now a party-wide talent If several party members have points in LC will it stack or maximum used?
Last edited by vometia; 05/12/17 09:09 PM. Reason: formatting
Joined: Sep 2015
- SPOILER: Fixed Lohse’s lute getting destroyed even when Adramahlihk is dead
Nope, not fixed. Just downloaded the patch and tried ... Lute still got smashed. Adrama long dead in savegame and party standing right in front of final battle.
Joined: Oct 2015
In spite of my better judgement I fired up the game, first time in a long time.... started a new game and can't be bothered to carry on already. Bugs. Really unpleasant ones. The skipping turns for no reason whatsoever is still there, worse than ever, and now my companions keep attacking each other, also for no reason. Really Larian!
Joined: Nov 2010
Hey Larian, developers and QA,
I really don't know what you're doing over there!?
So, after finishing Adramahlik and levelling up yesterday evening I saved the game. Before restarting I installed the patch and thought, fine, now doing some shopping and adjustings of equipment, runes and so on (needed about 1 hour for that) and then having a relaxed gaming evening after a really long labour day.
No way - as the final action I tried to craft the Armor of the Eternals (AotE) and ... with my individual character I had no access to the materials stored in the team mates' bags. Ok, changing to a different char (in this case Lohse) I had acces to the mats (as parts of the AotE) stored in her bag, but not to those in e. g. Sebille's bag.
Ok, checking again the required materials - all of them available, but, now one ingredient isn't named eternal plate any more, now it's named eternal alloy, even though I don't know if that really is the naming in the english version, so I*m playing the german. (Edit): Important to mention that the name in the crafting window - eternal alloy/german = Ewige Legierung - differs from the material's name in intventory. There it still is named as - eternal plate/german = Ewiger Teller.
Then I tried to switch to english language (GOG version) to check if this probably is an translating issue, but it didn't work. English language I could not set.
And this I already experienced after one hour playing, but only hopping from vendor to vendor without any more gameplay like fights, talkings, quests etc. So, what is awaiting me further on regarding other "fixed" bugs apart from those mentioned from other players above or even not existing bugs - yet?!
Really, what the hell are you doing and especially "QAing" even better - how?? Really, things like that are pushing the saying of "gamers are cheap beta testers". Sorry, usually I'm a bit more moderate, but this just was sooo annoying.
Apart of that major "thing" I recognized a minor graphical bug. In character window "physical armor" and "magic armor" are overwriting the values.
Last edited by milorien; 06/12/17 08:00 AM.
Joined: Dec 2017
Since this patch was released, the game goes into an endless loop of "Saving" without ever finishing. Due to that, it is impossible to actually save the game, load the game, even quit the game without ALT F4 and to make it worse, since it never saves, any death makes you reload the last save you had made before the patch.
Joined: Dec 2017
Since this patch was released, the game goes into an endless loop of "Saving" without ever finishing. Due to that, it is impossible to actually save the game, load the game, even quit the game without ALT F4 and to make it worse, since it never saves, any death makes you reload the last save you had made before the patch. Dunno. Mine saves and loads without problem. Are you sure you aren't run out of free space?
Joined: Dec 2017
Since this patch was released, the game goes into an endless loop of "Saving" without ever finishing. Due to that, it is impossible to actually save the game, load the game, even quit the game without ALT F4 and to make it worse, since it never saves, any death makes you reload the last save you had made before the patch. i had the same problem after the patch was released.
Last edited by vometia; 06/12/17 08:09 AM. Reason: formatting
Joined: Nov 2017
Hi, thanks for the updates!
One thing I didn't see but could have missed -- archived quests not appearing in the journal under the archive tab? The only one I can currently see at the end of Act 1 is "Troubled Waters" ... no other completed quest is visible.
Joined: Aug 2013
In spite of my better judgement I fired up the game, first time in a long time.... started a new game and can't be bothered to carry on already. Bugs. Really unpleasant ones. The skipping turns for no reason whatsoever is still there, worse than ever, and now my companions keep attacking each other, also for no reason. Really Larian! Can't imagine what to say, guy--I have >150 hours in; with this patch getting ready to start my 4th game (have yet to finish!)--I've never seen your problems even once...! Odd, to say the least--as I am playing with a variety of characters doing different things, too. I play in Classic mode, too. So I cannot speak to any other mode. Certainly the problems you describe are far from being universal. Hope you can figure out what's wrong...;)
I'm never wrong about anything, and so if you see an error in any of my posts you will know immediately that I did not write it...;)
Joined: Nov 2017
archived quests not appearing in the journal under the archive tab Well known bug, still not fixed. I guess seeing your quests in the log wasn't deemed as "critical". While some controller issues - in a PC game - were. You'll have to wait until next year, then maybe, just maybe, it will be fixed.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Dec 2017
Apologies for crashing the party but so far my experience is...terrible.
Just for starters: -Resurrection scrolls are inconsistent. Sometimes they work, sometimes they do not. Either way, a scroll & AP is deducted from my inventory or turn. So far, I've only confirmed the bug while fighting Isbeil below Arx.
-Knockdown arrows do not fire as a second action. For example, if Ifan has 4AP on turn 1 and I first use a basic attack (-2 AP) and then use a knockdown arrow (an additional 2 AP) the arrow is deducted from my inventory but nothing fires. This has been a regular issue for me regardless of
-Teleportation is inconsistent. Sometimes it works, sometimes my turn ends.
-While in Arx and finishing the Lohse question line, 3 groups of demons are scattered around Arx. Whenever I fight one group, the rest turn hostile even though they are on the other side of town.
A variety of other actions are messing up in combat.
I have no idea what's happened but because I run 2 archers, my current game is more or less unplayable. Will wait for a response before I start a new game.
Joined: Nov 2017
For example, if Ifan has 4AP on turn 1 and I first use a basic attack (-2 AP) and then use a knockdown arrow (an additional 2 AP) the arrow is deducted from my inventory but nothing fires. We need a new patch to fix this patch. Sigh..
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
Apologies for crashing the party but so far my experience is...terrible.
Just for starters: -Resurrection scrolls are inconsistent. Sometimes they work, sometimes they do not. Either way, a scroll & AP is deducted from my inventory or turn. So far, I've only confirmed the bug while fighting Isbeil below Arx.
-Knockdown arrows do not fire as a second action. For example, if Ifan has 4AP on turn 1 and I first use a basic attack (-2 AP) and then use a knockdown arrow (an additional 2 AP) the arrow is deducted from my inventory but nothing fires. This has been a regular issue for me regardless of
On reddit they were saying that targeted consumables have a new bug where they consume the entire AP cost when targeting, and then again when you launch. If you don't have enough AP to pay the entire cost again when you launch, then you lose the item, the AP and also nothing happens.
Last edited by vometia; 06/12/17 08:10 AM. Reason: formatting
Joined: Oct 2017
No issues here so far. For other people having issues, did you tried veryfing cache files (if you are on Steam)?
Joined: Dec 2017
Definitely not an issue on space. It run this on an SSD with another 100GB of space left, unless a save is supposed to be over a 100GB lul... Never had this issue before. Also, I started experiencing crashes with the Send Report button, which I never had before, not even when they released the early access for the first chapter of the game, so I am baffled about this.
Joined: Oct 2016
The skipping turns for no reason whatsoever is still there This is probably due to the round-robin initiative system. If your initiative is too low enemy may act twice before your turn: http://larian.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=622422&page=1For simplicity's sake, imagine a scenario in which you are alone against two opponents, and for whatever reason, they both have higher initiative than you. It results in the following turn-order:
Enemy #1 You Enemy #2
Soon, you'll kill an enemy. Who're you killing? It better not be Enemy #1, because then the following happens!
Enemy #1 takes his turn. You take your turn, and you kill Enemy #1. Enemy #2 takes his turn. Enemy #2 takes another turn, because it is now a new round and Enemy #2 at the top of the turn order now, because Enemy #1 has died.
Again, the player has boned himself by killing the opponent, through no fault of his own. Had he instead killed Enemy #2, the result would've been different, without the enemy essentially getting a free turn. worse than ever, and now my companions keep attacking each other, also for no reason. Really Larian! Are you referring to the fight where Lohse is possesssed by demon?
Joined: Oct 2015
Thanks I might give the mod a whirl though it still dosn't absolve Larian from their mess. Regarding the initiative - it's not a new problem. Not sure what the problem is but sometimes some of my characters just miss a turn for no apparent reason. This time there was only one opponent involved so it could not have been because I killed someone... The attacking each other is new - I never had it before, and it was not due to the Saheila encounter. It was just as I picked Sebille up - Beast for some reason took an intense dislike to her and started smacking her. Lohse joined in shortly afterwards. No idea why. BTW I don't have any mods. Just seems to me the patch has broken more than it fixed. Larian should rather work on the story and balancing the game - they don't seem to know how to patch bugs...
Joined: Nov 2017
Beast for some reason took an intense dislike to her Maybe he was just jealous cause she's beautiful and tall, and he...you know..
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Oct 2016
It was just as I picked Sebille up - Beast for some reason took an intense dislike to her and started smacking her. Does she have stench? If the attitude level is too low it may cause npc or even teammates become hostile.
Joined: Nov 2017
Sebille doesn't stink, how dare you! She has a delicate yet refreshing scent, like that of rain falling through forest leaves.
Pirate dwarves on the other hand...
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Nov 2017
I don't know what demon compelled me to install this broken patch. First thing I've tried was saving..and it's true! It doesn't save. Saving... 30 minutes later, still saving... And you can't save again or load, even the quit game button is greyed out. Only solution is ALT+F4 but of course then you lose all your progress..
Larian, please get your stuff together. This patch introduced 2 completely game breaking bugs, consumables and this. This is embarrassing.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Sep 2016
This patch introduced 2 completely game breaking bugs, consumables and this. This is embarrassing. Don't be embarrassed. What did you try to do to fix it? You could try unticking the new auto-add boxes for the toolbar - that works according to reddit. I did that (immediately actually) and had no problems at all. I only left the skill one ticked. Both continuing from an old save and new playthrough work absolutely fine. Try it and see - hopefully it will work for you too.
Joined: Nov 2017
Thanks for the help, it doesn't work unfortunately. I tried leaving skills ticked, leaving just "remove unmemorized skills" ticked, unticking everything. Nothing works - game doesn't save at all.
I didn't mean embarrassing for me, I meant embarrassing for Larian.
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Oct 2015
No she doesn't have stench. Near as I can tell it was a completely unwarranted attack. Even taking Sebilles charming personality into account. At any rate I'll give the game one more chance - I've downloaded and installed the reducing stat bloat mod. Not entirely sure why a modder has to fix such an obvious bad design decision. Surely Larian should have picked it up....
Joined: Nov 2017
Near as I can tell it was a completely unwarranted attack.. My money is still on a height related inferiority complex
Hear ye, hear ye! Bishop Alexander was slain by seagulls! Culprits still at large!
Joined: Dec 2017
Balance must be a nightmare for this game. It tries to make your stats fair for your level, skills, gear, etc.. while at the same time trying to encourage creative thinking that can produce a "game breaking" solution. It's actually promoted right on the main site that you can "break the game" with creative thinking and tactics. So if finding OP solutions to problems is 100% intended, can this game even be balanced? Lol :P
My favorite quote is: "Two possibilities exist; Either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying" - Arthur C. Clarke
Joined: Oct 2016
Though the 0815 attribute und skill leveling system and the armor system kind of kill real creativity. In the first game you could play a rogue-airmage-tank and still be effective, in this game being a tank is useless and combining magical with physical sucks even more. In the first game, as far as I remember there surely were some imbalances, but no damage type was superior to others. Now Physical beats magic in general and fire/earth beats water/air in usefulness.
Sure, there will be always posibilities to break the game, just because of the difference between In-combat-speed and ouf-of-combat-speed work. But the numbers inflation in the endgame and the numbers bloat in tactician don't make the game more interesting or challenging, only more of a chore were you heavily depend on a fitting level and level fitting equipment if you don't want to use gamebreaking mechanics.
All that matters is damage in this game, therefore Lonewolf is the probably most broken mechanic.
Joined: Sep 2017
Also unchecking boxes didn't work for me. If I use an arrow or grenade it double dips on AP. Whole party quit the game early because of this.
Joined: Oct 2016
The stat system is doomed. It need a complete rework, not balance. In the current system it will always be high dps trumps all. For Larian, they may as well make a new game. Therefore it's better to ask them focus on bugs instead and leave balance to modders
Joined: Sep 2017
Also unchecking boxes didn't work for me. If I use an arrow or grenade it double dips on AP. Whole party quit the game early because of this. Recent under 30MB hotfix fixed this double AP issue. Thanks, Larian!
Joined: Sep 2017
i have not experienced any saving issues
the turn skipping tends to occur when an enemy has some sort of first turn special action (like the doctor's transformation). it should not happen at all, but i've noticed that's when it tends to happen. your highest initiative character is skipped and doesn't get any actions during the first round of combat
i've been playing for about an hour and haven't noticed any problems people have mentioned in the thread. the item to action bar toggles also work fine for me. could mods be conflicting?
maybe make a thread in tech support, hopefully someone with a solution comes along. otherwise, hope for a hotfix i guess
Last edited by miaasma; 09/12/17 12:05 AM.
Joined: Jan 2015
Seems to be a good patch to me.
No more direct X errors that made me CTD on occasion and the Gwydam battle now plays fluidly, even with all the fire cluttering up the screen. So it seems they have worked on performance issues also.
Thanks to all the people involved.
Joined: Nov 2017
Lucky Charm is now a party-wide talent If several party members have points in LC will it stack or maximum used? LoL that would be ridiculous if it stacked. Somehow I doubt the devs want you to play with luck of 30 or 40...
Last edited by 123xzcs; 10/12/17 09:05 AM.
Joined: Dec 2017
This is great, but do we have a fix yet for the widespread issue of people not being able to access the lower deck of the LV? That's not the only issue I have actually, mine is the issue where when you get to the mid level of the LV, you can't go anywhere. Stairs disappear, and hatch is gone, so you're stuck and have to re-load. I have no mods that alter the LV in anyway, and I've already un-installed all the mods that I had before, which were just class mods. Has this issue been addressed anywhere before? I've been looking for a while now.
Joined: Jan 2014
Lucky Charm on one character now applies that talent to the whole party.
* Lucky Charm is now a party-wide talent. Players no longer need to select the character with the talent to open containers This is currently broken. While it is true that Lucky Charm does now apply to the entire party, the problem is the game doesn't consider multiplayer characters (or their henchmen) to be part of the same party. Thus, in multiplayer games only one player (the one with Lucky Charm) still needs to loot everything. Looting done by other players (and their henchmen) will not count towards or trigger the Lucky Charm talent of other players. This same not-really-a-party nonsense is probably related to the issue where NPC reputation modifier rewards aren't shared across a multiplayer "party" either - an issue which has been brought up on these forums a number of times now with no resolution despite several patches.
Joined: Sep 2011
I've noticed a few skills on items aren't working as intended now - they auto show on the hotbar, but are shown as 'not memorized' now but still seem to work (also don't show in the skill book either).
New Zealand's finest Gith with a dark urge for KFC XX
Joined: May 2017
The thing is that from what I can tell, you can't share skills *whatsoever* between players in a multiplayer game. My allies can't share my loremaster, or lucky charm, etc. It's pretty bloody annoying.
Joined: Oct 2016
Sadly you can only share does with NPCs, which even more kills the immersion for coop-play.
Joined: Mar 2019
The eternal arbiter still fights us on sight. No conversation what so ever... We enter the academy and the area where the siurce pool and arbiter is and he fights us immediately.
Playing on ps4, with fane, red price, sebille and ifan. No villain tags. Tried it with fane as human and elf.
Joined: Nov 2018
Why do I feel like have never encountered some of these bugs? Is it because I am on console or something?
Joined: Nov 2018
Well it isn't supposed to be your standard rpg my friend, but I understand how you feel when you say that the game needs some TLC and work.