Sad to see you're taking a break. But understandable.
I've been following it, tried it out and was interested in seeing it grow.

On your reasons for stopping; I'd like to just chime in briefly, also partially addressing everyone else here.
1/ Toolset difficulties. Not going to contradict this in anyway. It is indeed easier, compared to DOS1, but still a long way from being on usability levels of e.g. Unreal Engine 4. I fully understand it posing a hurdle a times that seems hard to overcome. For that, again, I apologize but also hope to make clear to everyone that we are here specifically for this reason. To answer your questions were possible and help you out as we grow ourselves.

2/ Please do not think you're mod is not awesome or not glamorous enough. The same goes for anyone else making a mod. We, as Larian, and I personally can't express how much we appreciate every mod that gets released. People might have personal preferences when it comes to playing mods because of specific tastes, but we adore every contribution equally. The reality though is also that we're a limited amount of people and the amount of mods is growing steadily. While we keep our eyes on everything, we can't personally mention every mod, especially those still in development. It reminds me of some fan art I recently made which, like many others, didn't make the cut into a public final collection. Back then, someone else said (and I'm paraphrasing): "We love everything you all make. And as a community we couldn't be prouder for your contribution. Not making the final mention does not diminish your effort in any way." If we/I made anyone feel like he/she was being treated unfair, our sincerest apologies. Please keep doing what you're doing, we do appreciate it!

3/ Largely mentioned in 1/ already. We have a ways to go, but we are here. We're very happy to be on this journey and very willing to grow in any way possible.


CTRL+K the elf