The skipping turns for no reason whatsoever is still there
This is probably due to the round-robin initiative system. If your initiative is too low enemy may act twice before your turn: simplicity's sake, imagine a scenario in which you are alone against two opponents, and for whatever reason, they both have higher initiative than you. It results in the following turn-order:
Enemy #1
Enemy #2
Soon, you'll kill an enemy. Who're you killing? It better not be Enemy #1, because then the following happens!
Enemy #1 takes his turn.
You take your turn, and you kill Enemy #1.
Enemy #2 takes his turn.
Enemy #2 takes another turn, because it is now a new round and Enemy #2 at the top of the turn order now, because Enemy #1 has died.
Again, the player has boned himself by killing the opponent, through no fault of his own. Had he instead killed Enemy #2, the result would've been different, without the enemy essentially getting a free turn.
worse than ever, and now my companions keep attacking each other, also for no reason. Really Larian!
Are you referring to the fight where Lohse is possesssed by demon?