A couple of people have reported a crash clicking on those books.
That set of 5 books is a German story from the Larian forum before the game was released. There are some details about it in the topic The History of the Lost Kingdom books, as well as an English translation.

If you are so inclined, and able, you can read the story outside of the game by opening the file below in a text editor (ignore the binary file warning; just don't re-save) and searching for the term Teil I 4 times (for Teil I, II, III and IV), and then Teil V :
..\Divine Divinity\main\startup\static\books.000

If you have an issue trying the hex edit or Jem's program, mentioned in the imp topic, zip the data.000 file from your latest save folder and email it to support@larian.com.
Each save is a subfolder in the '..\Divine Divinity\savegames' folder.