of Shadows is a standalone GM adventure (not a simple map) that let's the players explore freely without the GM needing to micromanage every little detail. This campaign is based on the REAL D&D 4e Pyramid of Shadows campaign all with custom levels designed specifically to emulate the adventure.
I tried my best to reproduce the adventure using the Divinity Engine 2 and feel that I succeeded to about 90%. There are some monsters that simply don't exist and I really didn't have the time to dive into 3ds to create my own. (that would have taken me a long time... )
This GM Campaign is mostly scripted, that means that there are preset dialogues, automatic combat starts, status effects, and much more. The GM will have control still, sometimes limited (I'm trying to resolve some of those issues), and will be able to do custom things as required to by the GM.
I have started a campaign with a group of players and I am learning a ton from them because... well... as we all know... players are unpredictable.
I'm still working on optimizing the story script so the adventure is more versatile.
This is, as of now, a complete adventure with future updates and add-ons (oooh yes, there will be add-ons)