I decided to try DOS2 again to see if months of patches might have resolved the stuttering.

I seem to be running the game pretty good now. There are multiple things that I have done to get it running smooth. I'll list them here. What I think actually has helped the most is joining the Windows 10 insider preview program and upgrading to the Fast build (currently 17115).

Things I did:

1. Set my mouse polling rate to 125Hz. (Was 1000Hz.) I don't think DOS2 likes high poll rate gaming mice.

2. Change nvidia driver setting "preferred monitor refresh rate" to "application controlled". Then set the game to 2560x1440 @ 100Hz to limit the fps to 100. (Fullscreen) I have a 144Hz gsync monitor and I don't think the game likes high gsync'd fps. It seemed to stutter more when the fps got up over 120.

3. Upgraded to Windows 10 insider 17115 fast build. I've read that there were big changes to how windows handles memory and processor usage in this build. It seems to have helped a lot. I think Windows 10 is now letting the game use more of the processor than before.

4. Enabled "game mode" for DOS2 using Windows 10 game bar. They say it should help by allowing the OS to focus more on the game, so why not try it?

EDIT: Ahhhhh screw this, now today its back to being a stutter fest. I changed nothing since last night when it was playing great. What a pain.

EDIT2: After restarting a few times, it magically seems smoother. Maybe I just need to keep restarting until it feels like cooperating.

Last edited by HunterK10; 09/03/18 12:24 AM.