Hello all. I just purchased DOS2 and found myself in the same boat as most of you guys.

In the very first scene in the bowels of the boat, simply panning/rotating the camera around results in large stutters every second or two. Big nasty stutters, where whats on screen can jump quite drastically. Enough to make my head spin.

I have a 4670k @ 4.4 and a 1060 6gb. Looking at the stats via Afterburner, both my CPU and GPU are floating on around 20% usage, so they are not being taxed at all. Also my frame counter is a rock solid 60fps with 16.6ms frame times. And yet I see this grim stuttering. I'm playing with a controller, so the tips regards mouse sensitivity dont apply in my case.

Things ive tried:-

- running the game at the lowest settings at 720p
- disable in-game vsync and use the driver vsync instead
- rivatuner to limit frame rates to 60 and 59.94
- all combinations of double/triple buffering
- windowed and fullscreen

Nothing makes the slightest bit of difference.

Im so gutted... as I was very much looking forward to this. I know there is no solution, so im not sure why im posting this! But figured I should throw my hat in the ring anyway.