Im making a suggestion of a new playable race that could be implemented in a future patch or dlc.
The avian race can be either winged(allowing them to fly) or non-winged.
Below are the suggestions of an avian race, both for winged design and non-winged design.
[insert name here]: gives you +1 telekinesis [insert name here]: gives you +10% movement speed and +5% accuracy Fly By: fly to destination(does not share cooldown with Flight from Polymorph) [optional] Lift Off: you will ignore ground effects(ex:oil,fire,blessed water) but you will still be vulnerable to ground attacks like Battle Stomp from Warfare, this effect lasts until cancelled by the skil Landing. [optional] Landing: cancels the effect of lift off allowing you to be affected by ground effects again.
Avian(Non-Winged) [insert name here]: gives you +1 thievery [insert name here]: gives you +5% damage Kick: deals damage and set knocked down(resisted by armor).
sorry for the english mistakes("skil" instead of skill). As for dlcs the avian could be included along with something else like a new campaign. I'll also leave a minor suggestion for their appearance - their heads could be based on different birds(ex: the player could choose between an owl,an eagle or a dove head).
Loved the idea always wanted to play as an avian in a rpg, the winged one seems good to any build even without the optionals, mobility is always good, the second option is good too(but i prefer the first), but i would give a 10% damage increase instead of 5%(im guessing that the damage increase affects both elemental and physical damage).
that shouldnt be a problem, if larian ever decides to add a playable avian race they will probably make each gender distinguishable, probably with different body shapes.
Not so practical for birdpeople also there are not really mammals, more something like slender body shape or if you want a matriarchical species perhaps the opposite.
female could have a bigger "burst" but not really boobs, as mentioned by Kalrakh one of the genders could have a slender body possibly a little bit shorter too or each gender could be based on different birds like males are based on ravens and owls while females are based on sparrows and seagulls.
no reason at all, it was simply an example, i just choose some birds that i think it would look cool and distributed them randomly for the genders, males could be based on seagulls without a problem.