Suggestion and rationale:

Alchemy - able to mix restoration potions. More levels helps ensure you won't run out of potions midway.

Elemental Arrow - Does random lighting/fire/cold damage with one shot. Useless at the end of game though.

Repair - At least one level - having your bow or sword breaking at the wrong time is a major disaster.

Enchant - No doubt about it -- have it at level 5. The game may get too easy after you do so though, and getting the capital for gold charms may prolong the game.

Lockpick - What decent thief does without this skill? The wonders beyond locked doors are yours. Hint - I remember that you can get 3 levels of lock-pick for free in the game.

Deadly Gift - Thieves don't go wading into tides of enemies. They lure enemies into traps of death! Scorpions can be quite expenisve and rare at the beginning, so use sparingly.

Oh Lorvidale, never shall the sun shines on thee again...