Joined: Aug 2014
Welcome to Shadow’s Reflection
Features: -Start your journey on what will (hopefully) be an epic adventure in the land of Dothnia. -Set in an original fantasy setting, with a vast amount of lore. -Intended for singleplayer, multiplayer could be a option in the future. -Several NPC party characters, with background stories, goals and unique quests. -Will span over several acts, the prologue (ca. 1 hour playtime), called “Escape from Ocgar Island”, is available now on Steam’s Workshop (My nickname on Steam is ‘Some Puerto Rican Guy’). The next act, with the working title “Swords Drawn”, is under construction.
Link to Steam's Workshop
Gameplay notes -Due to the lore pertaining the scenario, you should only create a character from one of the following races elf, human or dwarf. -Starting equipment reflects the presets class animation, e.g. the Ranger preset class is wielding a bow and will also be equipped with one at game start, so changing the ranger’s skills to warfare will be problematic as it will not be equipped with a melee weapon. Only exception is the Wizard preset class, it will be issued a fire staff on game start. -The prologue is rather linear, so don’t expect a myriad of interesting choices, save those expectations for the next act. -The reflection dialogs, those dialogs from the main that starts when an origin party member has an yellow exclamation mark above their head, are beyond by coding capabilities, so I've made my own substitute system. If a party member wants to talk to you a text will be displayed above your (the PC's) head. The text is only temporally displayed so you might miss it, but the dialog the party wants to have with you, can still be initiated by clicking on them with your character selected.
Other notes In the last couple of weeks I’ve been working, whenever I had the time, on fixing issues of smaller and smaller significance and now I’ve come to the juncture point where I can’t find anymore game breaking issues to fix. That’s why I’ve decided to just release the level now and finally move on to working on other parts of the mod. I plan to update the prologue act “Escape from Ocgar Island”, a week or two after release if there is any balancing issues or other stuff that I hope people will report if they find it. After that I don’t intend to do anything else to that level/act, until the first act (with the working name “Swords Drawn”) is ready and they need to be connected. Any kind of feedback can be directed to me here or on the Discord channel, I have the same name there.
The current team working on Shadow’s Reflection is me (MAHak) and Tiqon.
Present working tasks:
MAHak Making a “demo teaser” of the act 1 “Swords Drawn”. Writing lore Working on act 1 (Level design, quests, characters and more probably).
Tiqon Making maps for act 1 “Swords Drawn”.
Special thanks to people who have helped out, one way or another. Names are listed alphabetically.
Branvex (for helping out with scripts, back when I was a total noob to Osiris scripting). The Composer (Likewise helping me out with scripts and patiently helping out with all my questions regarding the editor). Dima (For providing online ‘editing’ company through his regular editor streaming sessions and for helping out with answering all my stupid questions). LaughingLeader (Also for helping my out with scripts). “Master” Windemere (For putting up with those not even half-baked mod version I sent him, several times, and still giving me crucial feedback. For making his tutorial series on Youtube, without them I don’t think I could had made this mod, Larian just give him a medal already! And of course also for his advice regarding scripting and other editor related issues).
There are probably more people, whose names that I’ve forgotten to mention, who deserve some recognition, thank you guys as well.
Lastly I will just like to say that when I started working on this mod in the D:OS 2 editor I had almost no experience with coding or modding in general. Sure I may have develop the lore and story for my mod over some years and I did work with the D:OS editor a bit, but everything else in this mod I’ve accomplished by looking through tutorials, reading the editor wiki and bothering people on the Discord channel. So I hope this can be an inspiration to other people who wants to create something with the editor, but don’t think they would know how to do it. Watch some tutorials (Dima’s and Windemere’s Youtube videos is a great place to start), check out the editors wiki (It’s grown in size since release, although some updates on the Osiris APIs ‘calls’, ‘events’ and ‘queries’, wouldn’t hurt) and if you have any questions go and ask them on the Discord channel, people are usefully really helpful there.
Last edited by MAHak; 13/02/18 09:01 AM.
Joined: Feb 2018
I'm so hyped! Great work! I've been waiting forever for an Adventure to come out!
Joined: Aug 2014
Cool, I'm glad you liked it. I've updated the release notes with some additional information.
Joined: Jul 2014
What I don't get is that this is the FIRST published stand alone game made in the editor. The people who have tried it on Steam seems to like it.
But the community here as such AND Larian has shown NO interest or acknowledgement, no backup what so ever of this mod. It just baffels me.
"But Tiq, ofc you would say so, you have been a part of the project". True, I added a few rocks here and there, and used the terrain painter a bit, long after MAHak have been working on this for a while. The bulk of mapping, the idea, The story, the dialogs and the scripting is all MAHaks work. This is all MAHak. I have had nothing to do with that. I will take no credit for this mod. Therefore it is also not my work I am so dissapointed has been ignored here. I can do that in my own threads with my maps.
While this is a short epilog game, it'd PUBLISHED. Its playable. I have not seen ANYTHING else yet that I can play like this. I have not even seen a "this will be published next week/month". I TRUELY hope I will see it, as we all know there are projects out there being made that looks promising. Or are there? We haven't seen any glimps of the mods we have followed for so long. Only a few keeps posting. What happens to the others?
Anyway, just wanted to rant a bit. Tiq is not mad, Tiq is dissapointed. Mostly of Larian....
Tiq out. Need to go watch Black Panther. Nothing makes an old nerd cool down like a good Super hero movie.
Have a greeeeeat weekend all (Larian too)!
Joined: Feb 2018
Really cool to see people working on this stuff, and I can't wait to try it out with some friends =)
Does anyone know if there is a working method to download steam workshop mods? I bought the GOG version of DOS2, so subscribing to the steam workshop doesn't work.
I tried using the command-line steam tool as described here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DivinityOriginalSin/comments/73y9g4/how_to_download_steam_workshop_mods_for_the_gog/
However, it seems to be disabled as of ~Dec.20th.
Any chance the mod can be uploaded to Nexus or something?
Joined: Sep 2017
Hi MAHak,
This mod does look great, and it's interesting to see more scripting-heavy, standalone adventures like this propping up. And Tiqon, know that we are not community managers on this subforum but developers. We love seeing progress on all projects, and seeing the Divinity Editor pushed beyond its limits, but we sadly cannot reply to every post.
Joined: Aug 2014
@Tiqon Thanks for the supportive rant  However, I really don't need any acknowledgement, not that I mind any, I'll rather have people given feedback, suggestion, asking question and such. However, at the moment I'm being crushed by a heavy workload relating to university study. So the effort I'm putting into the next stage of the mod, is really minimum right now. @iceonfire1 I try to upload it to Nexus, latet today. Sadly, the current state of the mod is only for single-player. Maybe that will change one day.
Joined: Aug 2014
Hey. The next stage of Shadow’s Reflection is now available, on Steam. Please note that it is a demo, or fraction, of the first act called Swords Drawn, therefore it is very short and focuses on the mainquest’s plot, lore and character background, and there won’t be any combat in it. We’re already working (albeit at the moment on a very casual level) on content for the rest of the first act and hope to release the full act sometime in the future! If you have any comments, questions, suggestions or similar, please don’t hesitate to write us here or in the Discord channel. Hope you enjoy it. Best regards from Tiqon and MAHak. Credits for helping out with this stage. LaughingLeader: For helping with scripting and the editor in general, his assistance was critical to our work. Uh and also for being very very very patient with me and my inferior scripting abilities. Windemere: Also for helping out with scripts and for having made his tutorial videos. RestingLichFace: Who was also helpful with scripting issues I had and, like the other two above, was quick to answer whatever plead I had on the Discord channel. Link to the mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1241234737
Last edited by MAHak; 02/05/18 08:53 PM.