Originally Posted by Stabbey
Originally Posted by Try2Handing
However, personally, I'd like to at least have a wide *variety* of summons that I can choose from to adapt to different situations. I don't need to be able to summon hordes after hordes of monsters. The lack of variety is the one thing that kills the feel of being a *summoner* for me - you summon basically the same thing over and over. Giving him different abilities that are strictly tied to the four elemental schools doesn't quite cut it. I prefer different creatures, with varied appearances and interesting unique abilities that reflect their nature. Of course, they also have increasing overall combat capability to make leveling up as a summoner exciting.

Summon Artillery Plant (Geomancer 3 [1 SP])

Raise Bloated Corpse (Necromancer 1)

Raise Bone Widow (Necromancer 2)

Totems of the Necromancer (Necromancer 5 [3 SP])

Summon Fire Slug (Pyrokinetic 3 [1 SP])

Summon Oily Blob (Polymorph 2)

Wind-Up Toy (Scoundrel 3)

Obviously you can't take points into all those schools, but you can pick a couple if you want variety in summons, and they all get benefit from summoning.

Those still felt pretty weak and limiting. There should be a lot more variety for the summoner and undead classes.
Totems don't really feel like summoned creatures, more like a tool. As for the summons, most of the time you will summon the same boring creature that just has different elements since that is what they focused the design around. Thematically it feels very underwhelming. My two favorite classes in other games are my least favorite in this game because they are borked. There has to be a way to get the theme right and balance it.