Originally Posted by Froggy
I mean, that's fair enough. I personally, have never cared for the story in any game. The games that i enjoy are those that have a very indepth character customization system. The type of combat doesn't really matter either. Action Combat, Turn Based, etc doesn't really matter either.

Point being; This is very subjective.

It certainly is. Which is why getting a proper range of experiences is important, but even then I'm not sure it's actually possible to please everyone (even ignoring the sort of people who want to intrude on others' gaming experiences, who are annoyingly commonplace). A good example of how it goes bad is the "nerf this, nerf that, nerf everything!" which suits one particular style of playing regardless of difficulty, and some studios do take that on board which ends up satisfying a small niche at the expense of everyone else. Perhaps it's the case that difficulty isn't simply a one-dimensional element of easy to hard (Oblivion's being a good example of this, where it simply acted as a multiplier of the opponents' damage compared to the player's) but is a multi-dimensional thing. But complexity brings all of its own problems, and that's before you get the aforementioned people who insist on making other people's experience worse.

J'aime le fromage.