Originally Posted by Zeth fox
I actually wish that as the case with lora...that he was designed to die...no he actually just doesnt climb vines instead teleports to you when you are pretty far away...the problem is there are 2 places at the start you are required to climb through that have poison underneath the vine, and while you are climbing he has such little HP that you cant get far enough away to force a teleport.

There are several candles in the starting room of the game. Grab some and then chuck them at poison to clear it, then retrieve the candle.

2nd point, the pet pal thing...the host player has to take it on thier MAIN charecter...you cant even just have a follower take it and talk to them. player 2 gets shooed away by Lora completely, as does the cat. The pet pal thing isnt completely terrible once you can freely respec in and out of pet pal. but it just seems so hackish and wrong that I have to visit the mirror over and over to proceed the quest and maintain my charecters build.

Yep, the "Pet Pal required on your main" is just plain bad design no matter how you look at it.