"The cupboard is bare!"
And so it has been for some time. While the actual Larian guys are still tied up doing support, development and other stuff the forum has taken a bit of a back seat. As I have no such commitments, I've volunteered myself to do what I can to keep things a bit more current.
In that regard, I've decided to do something about the paucity of updates here. So from now on, as stuff becomes available I'll post a copy, summary, link or whatevs.
But until such a time as I find myself on a mailing list, which may not happen as I am not an employee and there's the gnarly matter of NDAs and such, I'm also reliant on spotting things on social media or whatever. I'm not the most observant person so I may well miss stuff, so if anybody spots anything that seems to belong in here, post a reply and if it looks like a good catch I'll add it as a topic.