I am still enjoying this game very much. want to say that first. I intend to keep playing it off, and on too.
1. I personally, for me, I my self, find that over all for game play ease that an all physical damage party is for me the strongest way to go through the game. This could include a Necromancer, and a summoner as there main damage is mostly Physical or seems so to me.
2. For a challenge I find, mixing magic, and Physical to be sometimes entertaining, but from a game proficiency stand point it is not the best for me. (Again please note the >> for me.)
3. And all magical party with no physical damage, including NO Necromancer , and summoner, is just not for me at all. I am fodder for the Mob's that way. Can do it, but is terribly tough for me. ( again note the for me )
4. To sum it all Up I have to say that I am in agreement with the people that don't like the 2 armor system. I think it was an innovative Idea, that looked better on paper, than it does in the field. As such I think it was relentlessly pursued during the creation of the game, and any draw backs to it must have been laughed off with we can balance that later.
5. Just my opinion, I am not a great player, nothing god like about the way I play. I am very casual. And I very much love this game, it has been a lot of fun. I intend to have more fun with it too.